WALL•E Fan Commentaries

The only time that works for all four commentators before July 30 (July 29 is the last day where I have everyone’s schedules) is this time:

Sunday, July 19/Monday, July 20
Oregon: 7:01am or 7:30am Sunday
Texas: 9:01am or 9:30am Sunday
Berlin: 4:01pm or 4:30pm Sunday
Sydney: 12:01am or 12:30am Monday

totoro - Do you think your sore throat will be better by Sunday?

Mygames19 - I know you still weren’t sure whether either of these times would work for you. Rachel would prefer the Oregon 7:01am time, but if that’s not doable then is the Oregon 7:30am time ok?

Although that is a bit early, I might be able to make 7. Everyone will be asleep. :slight_smile:

I hope so, but I’m not sure.
If not, I think I skip this one,

We’ll be meeting at the earlier time to record the WALL-E commentary.

Sunday, July 19/Monday, July 20
Oregon: 7:01am Sunday
Texas: 9:01am Sunday
Berlin: 4:01pm Sunday
Sydney: 12:01am Monday

unfortionately as of this afternoon my PC is no longer operable (I’m currently using my parent’s New, forbidden from downloads PC). Unless I can fix it before Sunday morning, I’m afraid I won’t be able to participate. So sorry foaks… :C

Oh well, I hope it gets fixed so you can join us, Mygames19. :frowning:
It’s a little late for me, but I’m pretty much good to go. totoro and thewisecookiesheet, are you guys fine? Can’t wait to hear ya voices, you can hear mine in the previous commentaries, just listen for the toad. :wink:

Fortunately my throat is getting better, so I think I’ll be able to participate.

Mygames19 - that’s too bad. :frowning: Is this a hard- or software issue?

MyGames: Ah man. That is a real bummer. I know that you are fun to do a commentary with, hopefully another time, since you can’t make this.

TDiT, totoro, I look forward to Sunday. :sunglasses:

thedriveintheatre: It doesin’t seem so. This will be the second system recovery in a week. :S

totoro: I think it’s a driver issue. At first my IP was falty, even though it said I was connected. (I’m connected to the internet though a wireless network adaptor…) Than it was the mouse. Since this afternoon it’s been acting estatic, always returning to the same area of the screen, preventing me from moving it anywhere for more than a split second.

thewisecookiesheet: Maybe we can scalvange up a second commentary groop? :confused:

Anyhow, me and my grandpa went out this afternoon Goodwill saling (like Garage sailing, but at Goodwill outlet stores, that sell used items cheapo) And we found a computer more powerful than my current main computer. So it just might end up replacing this old, run down one… or not. It’s really a mixed bag. Anyhow, I’ll fill you all in if I can make it. Otherwise… Well, I’ll be back to do it again next year! XD

That’s too bad about your computer, Mygames19. I hope you can end up participating, but just let us know either way, then maybe we could even start earlier, if Mygames19 doesn’t end up recording, if that’s ok with totoro and thewisecookiesheet?

I’m fine with starting up to two hours early (around 2 pm Berlin time).

Thanks for the update. :sunglasses:

Alright, so I think I finally got it working again. Apparently, it was a driver issue. There where 2 drivers for the same mouse and I think it was getting confused.

Unfortunately, there is no possible way I could prepare my computer and have it ready for the commentary in 5 hours, hardly enough time to sleep. (Believe it or not, I’m up at ~2:00 in the morning working on this stuff!)

So, have fun! I’ll just have to get a spot next year. XD

Aw, sorry you couldn’t make it, Mygames19! :frowning:

To the rest, thanks for being considerate! I’ll see hear you all in one hour. :slight_smile:

Hey, great job again guys, can’t wait to check out the finished product, it was great to listen in on you guys. Made the movie better for me, :smiley: We gotta have another group chat soon!

This was one of the most fun I’ve had doing a commentary.I can’t wait to hear the recording.

(Fun Fact: I’ve been waiting forever for Wall-E to be shown on Starz or another movie channel, and today, it was :smiley:)

Nice second WALL-E session! It sounded really fun and upbeat. Great work!

Chatting with you guys before/during/afterwards was cool, and it will be good to do that again even if it’s during one of ffdude1906’s movie-watching sessions. When I get tired I get quiet, which is why I wasn’t saying much at the end, heheh. But still, we should organise another get-together in the near future, yeah? :slight_smile:

I hope so… XD

I can’t wait to hear it eather. After all, I was gonna be in it, and what fun would it be to not know what I missed? lol

Unfortunately, I think my main computer’s finally given up the ghost. Why that’s important to you? Well, I was gonna release a Private Beta of the Wall-E Fangame to those of you participating, but a few days of that got lost with the computer, so it’s no where near ready for testing.

However, on my birthday (the 31st of this month), I MIGHT had it out to those who participated in the commentary, along with my Beta Testers of course. :wink:

So any of the commentie’s with a Windows computer and is willing to give the Beta a go, send me a PM and I’ll see if I can have a beta ready for you guys by the 31st.

You did miss a pretty good time Mygames, after the commentary, we ended up just talking for about 2-3 hours. I had a great time.

No doubt. Awesome time. Andre/TDIT was talking about setting something like that up, kinda like a round-table thingy or something. I really need to start planning my movie-night thingy too. :\

Here it is! NTSC, PAL.