Wall-E fanart

^__^;;; eh heh, she’s coming… I’ve been side-tracked with World of Warcraft as of late… gimme a sec…

okay, here it is,… I had started on it, but like I said before, WoW stopped me. :stuck_out_tongue:

it looks pretty bad, but that’s due to the fact that it’s really… REALLY hard to draw curves with the mouse… XD

Edited. I combined both of your posts. – Mitch

It looks really cute googly-bear! I think you did an excellent job with it.

i cant wait to see that rendered in 3D.

Googly-Bear - Wow. Most impressive, I must say! I love how your rendition of EVE turned out… :slight_smile:

– Mitch

If I may ask, who is EVE? Is she a real character in WALL-E? I’ve never heard of her.

JesusFreak/Off-Topic - EVE is, proposedly, a female robot that WALL-E falls in love with. You can read ROBONICS95’s first and second posts on the matter by accessing this page:


You can also read Jim Hill’s report on the main plot-line of WALL-E, but beware of major spoilers:

jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/ … again.aspx

There ya’ have it! :wink:

– Mitch

I don’t know if this is concidered fan art but I am currently trying to build a full scale WALL-E out of MDF and pine.

It’s taken me 5 months to draw side, front, and top views and I started building him 2 days ago.

Here is what he looks like so far:

If you want I can post updates on my progress.


Oooh, dude, this is going to be intresting. Keep posting updates man. I can’t wait to see the finished product.

Here’s the update from today.

I have all the side panels cut and I need to fit each one so the corners meet.
After that it’s all detail work.

I hope to have him done for the premiere.


Well, it comes out in Jun, so you have about a little more than a month. Good luck. I know you can do it.

I took a break from the body and whipped this out real quick.

I’m not sure if the thickness is good enough or if it needs to be thicker.


I think it looks good, but maybe just a tad thinner?

Tad thinner?

I was going to make it thicker. :frowning:

I’m trying to guess how big it is by judging it to the Eye Brow,

I have to do some lawn work today and after I will get back to WALL-E.


Both eyes are done except for the camera lens,

This is probably just me, but the left one seems bigger than the right. Other than that, it looks really amazing!

It’s the perspective of the photo.

They were drawn in AutoCAD and then printed out as mirrored images.
I then cut each one out as an individual layer and glued them all together.

I then spent about an hour sanding each one to match the CAD line.

If I stacked them so they faced each other they are as close as you can get with a scratch build.


I’ve been looking at your photos just now and I really like the drawing you did of Eve! So simple, yet it captures her well. And I’m impressed at you undertaking building your own WALL-E. I must say it’s looking really good.

Wow!! Can you send pictures of the blue prints that would be really cool. Keep it going. :nerd:

Oh Ohio_Astromech, I think for the eye you should definately go thicker.

Sorry I haven’t posted here lately.

I moved to the WALL-E Builders thread in the WALL-E Forum.

Here is a video of my most recent progress update I posted to the WALL-E Builders Yahoo Group.

[url]Re: My WALL-E Build video update - YouTube

Although I posted in the WALL-E Builders thread my build is not associated with Jawa Lunks group.

I am the founder of the Original Wall-E Builders on Yahoo.


The WALL-E Builders Yahoo Group was founded on October 8th 2007 after a thread I started on the R2 Builders grew so large that people wanted WALL-E to have a builders group of his own.

Many of the founding members of the R2 Builders came over to the WALL-E Builders to help make drawings so people can scratch build their own WALL-E.

We posted a few files but then came across information that changed the files enough that we are reworking them.

If you would like a set of the files feel free to e-mail me at scot_washburn@yahoo.com and I can get you a .jpg of the CAD file.
You can then print them out on a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and have someone at Kinko’s scale the square to 3".
That would print the files out full scale.

Feel free to join the group as well.

I hope you enjoy the video.


PS. I put the eyes on the back burner and I do intend to make them thicker.