Wall-E headline not appearing in home page

Since i’ve been on this forum in a long while, always typing in the main webpage, and so far, with every visit that i’ve gone through, there hasn’t been any random headlines or features of Wall-E since then. Does it exist, that I might just be so unfortunate, or is it that Pixar Planet really doesn’t have one?

If your confused, i’m talking about the main webpage, with all the characters accidentally greeting you with the clever quote on the right hand side, and at the bottom of the webpage, shows one of the minor characters with yet another quote or moral, like with Up, there’s some bulldog that has the title “Adventure is Out there” and with Toy Story with the dinosaur and the title “You’ve got a friend in me”.

Well, I think they are still working on ABL-Wall-E. These are all we have for now. I’m personally fine using the Toy Story one, because Toy Story 2 is just as special to me as The Incredibles. I can understand that you want Wall-E, but I guess you’ll have to wait. Sorry. :frowning:

There’s no Up headline for the main page either. Relax, it’s not that this website doesn’t recognize these two movies, it’s that they were released after this site was established and the mods didn’t feel like making new ones just for a 1/9 chance of pleasing a fan who encounters the main page.

Oh, I thought he meant the personal setting. :blush: Sorry.

I think he might have actually been referring to both IV. 8D

Ah, okay. :slight_smile:

I only mean the main page, i know that the Wall-E personal settings isn’t done yet because of the remake of the site, the chances seem very slim, very slim on the matter of Wall-E appearing.

Ah. I guess there won’t be one of those.

Where did it go in the main site?

I never saw one. Or an Up one. :neutral_face:

I saw the up one several times. But never Wall-E…and those are allegedly the two most popular movies on this site!