WALL•E Premiering on Disney Channel!!!

Pizza Planet Truck: It premiers Monday at 5:00 pm/4:00 pm central on Disney XD.

^thanks. I’ll try and catch it if I finish my HW.

I thought that was the first time I remember seeing it on TV (and not a movie channel, I mean). I just happened to catch that it was on. Unfortunately I couldnt watch all of it, but I caught the first hour.

yeah, watching it on disney is cool, but watching it on Showtime, NO COMMERCIALS, AND IT SHOWS IT ON A DAILY (I THINK IT’S DAILY) BASIS! I was so excited to catch it last year (technically it’s last year, with only 2 days left) on showtime, i hope they show it again!

The total amount of times i’ve watched wall-e? About 10!

I’m probably the only member in Singapore here, but Wall-E is screening on the national English free-to-air channel, Channel 5 this Saturday, 7:30pm! It’s on my off day, and I’ll probably be out, but I’m making time to return to the house to see it (my family will coincidentally be arriving in the afternoon with the exception of my brother who’s already here).

Wall-E at the Singapore River. He’ll probably be unemployed in this squeaky-clean country.

Won’t be able to catch it I’m afraid, a I’m in the States! But adorable picture of WALL-E!

Haha, I missed it too, EJE, but only because I was playing Army Of Two with my brother. He’s leaving on a flight back to Sydney tomorrow morning, so I wanted to spend quality time with him shooting up bad guys on our Xbox! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I didn’t take the pic, it’s from Google. But I do own a pair of Wall-E and Eve plushies I bought at the Sydney Royal Easter Show a few years back! They’re adorable! :slight_smile:

I need those plushies! They’d fit lovely with my little collection! (Chef Mickey, Jose Carioca, Mater, and Pascal).

But yes, here in the states too I’ve noticed WALL-E has been playing often. Mostly on the Family Channel (aka the Pixar or Harry Potter marathon channel).

Can’t say I’m familiar with the Family Channel, though it’s interesting to hear they play Harry Potter a lot, seeing that the series is produced by Warner Bros. (aka the creator of Looney Tunes and Disney’s rival). I believe ABC is affliated ith Disney, as I’ve seen TV spots on YouTube plugging Pixar featurettes close to their films’ releases. Channel 7 in Australia is, in turn, affiliated with ABC, so Aussies get special idents (like this one. I’ve seen Up and Toy Story 3 versions back when I was living in Oz, always a pleasant surprise when in anticipation of the next Pixar film!

And you’ve got plushies of Jose, Mater, and Pascal? Awesome! Post 'em somewhere and link me to it. I’m not sure who is “Chef Mickey”, though. But yeah! Wow!

Yep, since Family Channel is technically ABC family, and ABC and it’s sister stations are owned by Disney, Disney owns Family Channel. It’s not a great station, but they play good movies sometimes (ie Harry Potter and Pixar)

Yep! Mater was a present from a friend, I got Pascal at the Disney Store on Times Square, and Jose Carioca at my local Disney store. (They also had Panchito and Mexican dressed Donald. I regret not buying them, as they aren’t there anymore).

And Chef Mickey is simply Mickey Mouse in a chef’s outfit. I got that one in Downtown Disney at Disneyland down in Anaheim. I’ll have to post a picture!