
Well, whaddaya think?

I didn’t know which forum so mods move if it is in wrong forum!

Hahaha, cute concept! :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s weird but…hilarious! 8D


I’ll try and make it better next time, I was half asleep when made that.

It was attention-catching and rather funny. Except maybe WALL-E needs to wash up before he cooks. XD :stuck_out_tongue:

Awww, it looks really cute. Took me a while to notice, but it is too adorable for words. Keep it up. Can’t wait to see more.

That’s really clever!

Yes very clever and clean!! Great job!

My next one will be finding N-E-MO.

Cool idea, WALL-E! I look forward to your Finding Nemo spoof. :smiley:

Making now.

Yes! Finally I know I’m not the only one who thought that.

8D 8D 8D

Can’t stop laughing!