Wall•E's End Credits (The Art of the Title Sequence)

I stumbled upon the following article a few weeks ago. It’s a pretty interesting read, not to mention another chance to take in the beautiful graphics that finish off this wonderful film (replete with a lovely song by Peter Gabriel).


What really fascinates me is that they truly did a smidgen of so many major art forms from recorded history. It was something that had registered with me when I first saw the film, but I hadn’t put it into so many words. It’s also interesting to note that one of the reasons for the credits done this way was to complete the story. Director Andrew Stanton realized that test audiences didn’t believe the humans would survive once they returned to Earth, so he added this beautiful epilogue to put us at ease.

Did you also notice how at the end credits, the art style changes through the history starting with mesopotanian towards early 19th century art.

I thought this was a brilliant article Marionette(I actually read the whole thing through as well which shows how interesting I found it as I usually tend to skim read on the internet)!
The amount of work and research that went into making the credits is quite incredible and I have to admit that I really do enjoy watching the credits on pixar films, not only as a sign of respect to the production teams, but because they are so individual and well made.