Welcoming Guido - European Correspondent

I am proud to announce the newest team member to join the Upcoming Pixar writing team, Guido, who is now the Official European Correspondent. He is in charge of Upcoming Pixar on the European end and general posting.

As I am sure you have seen lately all the news Guido has sent UP, he will be a very valuable addition to the team. Welcome Guido!

Much like Guido of Radiator Springs prepares pit stops for racers, now Guido of Pixar Planet prepares blog stops for readers. Heheh.


Congratulations, guido! I’m sure you’ll continue to do a great job in helping with Upcoming Pixar. :mrgreen:

Congratulations guido. Welcome aboard the team!

Congratulations, Guido!!! :slight_smile:

Wow, well done Guido! Sounds like you’re a valuable addition to Upcoming Pixar. :smiley:

Thank you so much for helping out, Guido!

Congratulations to you, Guido! Thank you for assisting in keeping Upcoming Pixar up-and-running. :smiley:

– Mitch

Congrats Guido!

Congratulations, Guido . :smiley: