What do you want to hear on the show in the future?

We’re working hard to get the 9th show to you and we want to hear from you. My goal to make a show that you’ll look forward to every three weeks. We’ve got a lot of ideas for this show and beyond, but we’d love to hear what you think would make for a great podcast.

I enjoyed the most recent couple of shows much more than the previous shows and it’s mainly down to the topics discussed. I’m interested in abstract discussions about, for example, visual storytelling or the state of animation today. I’m not at all interested in story-theme fantasy discussions along the lines of “If you were in movie X, what kind of character would you be?”

Interviews…member interviews. You could get an entire panel of “experts” together and make them a sort of “Pixar Media”. Then have them discuss certain things or reviews. They could talk about certain parts of movies and even upcoming movies.

As I mentioned in another thread, I would love to be involved in a discussion about the state of Pixar (in-production projects, implications of 3D, production ramp-up, sequels, new directors and styles, live action and outside collaboration, etc.).

I would love to hear more about dated, upcoming, and the latest Pixar-related video games on the Radio Pixar show, in particular. To add to this, I would be willing to assist you with the show by reporting/discussing Pixar video games.

– Mitch

I’d love to hear some really in-depth character discussions, and as well as discussions about the themes in Pixar films. I also think it’d be great for there to be a light-hearted side to Radio Pixar, though I’m not exactly sure what this would consist of. :laughing: Contributions from a variety of members would be great to make each episode different and unique, and it would also be useful to have a news section to keep everyone up-to-date on the latest Pixar headlines.

I’ll be honest, I would like it mentioned that TSS and I have become moderators on the forum, even though it’s old news. And also, I would like to see forum members being interviewed again.

Panel discussions of news items, with predicitions and whatnot.

The Pixarian/rachelcakes1985 - listen to an episode of the MacTalk Australia podcast. This is my favourite podcast: consistent, funny, good discussion. You might get some good ideas from them.

Yeah! You know, I never said this, but I often thought that the environment of Radio Pixar was rather… stiff, if you get my meaning. I would also like a variety of themes and commentators.

– Mitch

I’m in with lizardgirl on in-depth character discussions. :smiley:

I’ve never listened to Radio Pixar, but I might reconsider that if some of the ideas mentioned here actually become a part of the broadcast. :slight_smile:

Keep those excellent ideas coming, everyone. The broader goal is to make future episodes of Radio Pixar forum/community-related, but it may take a few episodes to get into the groove of things and settle into a new format for the show. But we will try to make you guys more involved, that’s for sure. There’s just too many good ideas here to go to waste. :wink:

Thanks for the suggestion, bawpcwpn.

Well, here is a rundown of what I would like to see in the next segement.

Trivia Question
Discussion on 3 hot topics
Discussion on Pixar stuff/news/reviews/predictions/info/etc
Trivia Answer
Wrap up (reminders of contests, and other stuff)

On Radio Pixar, can you mention that we’ve completed our Toy Story fan commentary? Also can you read this URL


so listeners will be able to find the commentary?

On behalf of the Radio Pixar team, sorry for the hold-up, everyone. You can expect a fresh episode around 3 weeks from now.

No hurry, Rachel. Take your time. It’s quality, not quantity, that matters. :wink:

– Mitch

As I said in the Episode 9, I’d like to hear more of a morning drive/radio talk show vibe for the show. I’d also like to have more “live” segments in the show. For instance, I would like a live phone line every once in awhile. Maybe you guys could ask a question or something and ask for listners to phone in their thoughts. Sort of liek what the listener submissions are, but live.

I’d be willing to help out in any way I can, in trying to figure out a plan to make the show live. So I can put my money where my mouth is so to speak.

Just my two cents. Keep up the great job!

Ok, sure. The vox pops are similar to that, too. But I get what you’re saying. It’s always easier to get listeners to record themselves and send in their messages, as opposed to setting up a time (which can be hard because of time zones) to do a short Skype call to them, of which there’s the added variable of listeners having to make a live chat to someone else and download new software. But if we can round up enough participants to have a “call-in” segment, that sounds really cool, actually. Thanks for the suggestion.

No problem, rachecakes 1985! Yeah, I understand how hard it is for you guys to organize live things. Something to think about for later shows thoug, I guess.

I haven’t listened to the latest episode (downloading it now) so this suggestion might be rendundant, but so far I have loved the roundtable discussions as they allow different opinions to come across and they’re really interesting to listen to. My suggestion is something similar in a way, but more of a focus on the characters of Pixar films. For example, there could be a discussion about Woody and his relationship with the other toys from Toy Story, or about Molt and Hopper’s relationship, or about whether Auto is inately evil, that sort of thing. Just an idea, as one of the things I personally love about Pixar films are the characters within them.

Sure thing, lizardgirl. Thanks! My motto is “there is never such thing as too many roundtables”. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll have a think about that one and what we could discuss. If anyone would be interested in participating in a chat on the show in the future, send me a PM! =)