What if they delayed TS3 to November 24th?

Should TS3 come out on 11/24 instead of 6/18?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Not saying they did, but what if. You know, to keep the tradition of TS movies coming out the day before Thanksgiving, what would be your reaction?

i would not live! We have already waited 12 years i dont want to wait even LONGER!

At this point, it’s too late in the game.

That’s millions of marketing dollars wasted.

Plus, they’d be sabotaging themselves with ‘Tangled’ coming up.

Last year, they really didn’t do well kind of shoving a number of their films into the Nov/Dec timeslots (such as moving Christmas Carol back to November and Princess and the Frog in December).

I’d screem and cry my butt off… :laughing: I’ve been waiting for TS3 since 2001… But I’ve read the novel, so I could wait if it was pushed back a day. :laughing: But a few monthes? Heck no.

I’ll be PISSED!

please don’t say such blasphimy, its hard enough to wait for june 18

I’d probably freak out, but I’ve waited 10 years so a ouple of months can’t kill me.

I’ve waited so long for another Toy Story. If they decided to release it in November then I would be pretty sad. T_T

I voted yes, because of the tradition thing. A few months wouldn’t bother me, as those months would just fly by.

This is made out to be one of the best summer movies. In addition to bad marketing, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I mean, if there was a midnight showing or something, I probably couldn’t pull that off on a school night. It would be nice to keep consistancy with the November thing, but us fans can’t wait much longer.

As much as I’d love it if they started releasing films in the fall/winter in the US like they used to during the Pre-Cars days, No.

Pushing the date back this late is a horrible idea.

It’d suck. Although if they DIDN’T change the release date for the UK then I wouldn’t really mind.

Hmmm… first of all NO THANKS. And second, I still have to wait a month for ts3 to come out in my country, and if they’d change the release that means I’d have to wait even longer… No way they could do that now, when the movie’s finnished and all…

Haha, mines the only one who says yes :frowning: I think it’s better for the series, anyhow people would appreciate watching it way more if they had to wait more months, there’s more to lfie than TS3 :smiley:

A delay like that would mean that Toy Story 3 would most likely be released NEXT year for those of us not living in the States. They’d probably do what they did with the other Thanksgiving releases and dealy international releases until springtime, around March or April. So I’m just glad to be having to wait only a single month longer this time round- any more delays would just not be a good thing!

I’d survive, but I’d be extremely disappointed. I understand having the 3rd being released in November to ‘keep the tradition.’, but whenever it’s released, the film will undoubtably be great. And I’d rather have it sooner than later!

I would be crushed. Then I couldn’t see it for my birthday!!! :frowning:

Actually it’s been 10 1/2 years.

Honestly, I’d be cool with it.

I wouldn’t have to wait until a week after its release to see it :stuck_out_tongue:

I would die. :laughing: Ive been counting down the days since febuary. I need to see it!