What is Pixar's best movie?

Toy Story 2? I guess I really know TS3 is better, but TS2 will always be my favorite Toy Story film.

i really, really need to watch toy story 2 again. i was totally going to watch the first two back to back today but i wound up watching ratatouille and finding nemo instead (both of which are totally gorgeous, btw), lol. the first toy story is my favorite, but the second one adkjaljfkl; SO GOOD.

omg, i haven’t seen the incredibles in SO. LONG. i’ve been meaning to watch it again for a while now. hmm. so i can’t really comment on that, but i do really love it. i don’t think it’s the /best/…but it’s just…fun. which is why i love it.

so, in the end, i still think wall-e is the best overall. (did i mention it’s my favorite?)

that being said, my love for ratatouille has been completely renewed so watch me fangirl about it ~everywhere, hahaa.

& i totally love nemo, js.

What does this mean? Are you just typing random letters in the middle of your post, because if so its really annoying.

I believe she is just expressing excitement. :slight_smile:

And yet, it still really annoys me. Sorry.

Oh, uh…OK. Perhaps you should tell her about that? I can’t help you out with that… :confused:

Ah, yes. I love watching all 3(or 3 in short time limits) back to back. <3 And as for the Incredibles thing, you know how I feel. 8D But I agree Wall-E is the best. None other challenges it in my mind.

The Wall-E best Wall-E movie that Pixar has ever Wall-E made would have to Wall-E be Wall-E, because of its sublime Wall-E, incredible Wall-E, and legendary Wall-E. Wall-E.

Any questions?

8D Comment of the year.

best comment ever tbh.

8D Nope, I don’t have any questions.
That comment rocks.
And I believe that’s the 2nd post you’ve made me laugh at today, Chuckles! :stuck_out_tongue:

Epic :sunglasses:

Quite suprised Wall E is running away with it actually.

I’m not. 8D

Normally I don’t quote whole posts, but THIS sums up my entire view perfectly. Aughh, three perfect movies forever. <3

Ratatouille and WALL-E both hold number 1 on my list as the best Pixar movies, hands down. Yes, they are my two favorites as well, but that’s because I believe them to be the best of them all. I mean, you can’t even ask me which one I think is better, because I think they’re both of the same caliber of excellence, in terms of story, lovable and relatable characters, animation, and music. Especially music.

Sadly I’ve been watching Ratatouille a lot recently, and I totally fell head-over-heels in love with it once again. Not to say my love for it has ever died or even died down, it was just rediscovered. :slight_smile: And yes, I too will be fangirling about it everywhere so if you don’t like me doing that, well there’s not much I can say about that. :laughing:

little chef

Still gonna have to say Toy Story 2 (and maybe WALL-E) is the most well-rounded and universal of Pixar’s movies. It even stands alone well. I think you could easily show it to someone who’s never seen the first and they’d love it all the same. (Though, who in their right mind hasn’t seen Toy Story?!)

omg, braintwinzz~

your whole post is gold btw.

i just think wall-e & ratatouille are the two pixar movies i really /connected/ with, you know? like, they just hit me on a deeper level than the others. and the animation in both is so. darn. gorgeous. i can’t even.

my stepmom. the other day i was…well, i’m not really sure what happened but i ended up talking about toy story and she was all, “oh, i haven’t seen it.” and i was like LOLWUT.

Slightly off topic, in response to b&p somehow, but me and mum were scrolling the movie channel and Toy Story was on. I asked if she could put in on, but she said it was rubbish… :open_mouth:

i think i just died a little inside.

I can’t believe that! :open_mouth: I understand varying opinions, but yikes. :confused: