What was it like when you first started on Pixar Planet?

In a rare moment of boredom, I was browsing for info on Toy Story 3 online, and saw a google link to this forum. I figured I’d try signing up just to see what it was all about and im SO GLAD I did!

No one, at all, gets my obsession with Pixar. So I was really happy to find people to talk about Pixar with. It’s nice to have friends now who enjoy the same things as me! Made a few cool friends already, so thanks everyone! :slight_smile: i love it here

I was rude, and everyone grew to hate me. I do love it here, though, even more than Facebook!! :smiley:

I have to credit my little sister for my membership here!

She asked me one day if she could borrow my DSi. Next minute she typed in Pixar and found this on google! She was like, “Ami, look at this! It’s called Pixar Planet.”

So I took my DSi back and for a few days browsed the forums and Upcoming Pixar, before joining on April 5th.

My sister should really get an account here, she likes Pixar. (But that would mean sharing my DSi! :open_mouth: )

Don’t ask me how I stumbled upon this place, because honestly I don’t remember.

Every time I join a website with people I don’t know, I get sort of scared. It happened here, too. I’m afraid nobody will like me or I just won’t fit in. But once I start posting and getting to know people better, I’m not so afraid anymore. :slight_smile:

Even now, with me being here 2 months, I’m still afraid of one’s reaction to my posts. But not so much I was back in April. :wink:

I like you, Hail-E!! Your posts are always relevant, and thought out. I could learn from that, just ask a mod…

I was shy, scared, lonely, and nervous. But I don’t feel like that much anymore. I didn’t think people would like me and think I was stupid or something. :laughing:

Yeah, that’s just how I felt, so I quit for a while, but now I’m back and I love this place! :smiley:

Yeah, basically what skunklover said. I found this site through searching just “Pixar” on Google. I lurked around for a couple days, before deciding that this place was way too awesome to not be a part of. At first I was really nervous and a little bit intimidated at all the older people, but now I know that we’re all just friends and that everyone here is mega awesome! :smiley:

This is a bit random, but slightly relevant. Did anyone else have trouble passing the anti-spambot thingy when signing up for an account? You know, the thing where you had to count the number of random letters and then put down which ones they were? That seriously was super hard! I had to redo it like three times because I kept messing up, haha. Maybe I’m just numerically and alphabetically impaired. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was looking for TV advertisements of TS &TS2 in 3D, I came across PP :smiley:

I actually just found it a few weeks ago… originally I saw it when looking up Pixar’s actual site, and this always popped up a few sites below it. :unamused:

I was looking up the lyrics to “The Spirit of Adventure,” because a lot of the words are slightly inaudible. Tah-dah! PP had a thread on it and I joined.

As for the anti spam thing, I had loads of trouble with 20 times failed. I think I cheered when I was finally accepted.

I was googling Pixar in general and found this place :slight_smile: I became a member right away, but then just kinda read the posts and didn’t post much. I think I just started posting like a week or two ago, though it feels like I’ve always been a member on here. I’m still nervous when I post, but everyone on here is so friendly. I feel so at home here!! I don’t know why I’m nervous, I guess I’m crazy or something…

I forget exactly how I found Pixar Planet :open_mouth: I think TSS mentioned being a member of Pixar Planet on another site…maybe fanfiction? Anyway, I looked it up, but was very hesitant about joining. I don’t like trolls, and they tend to lurk everywhere on the internet, and besides, I never really saw the point of forums. Eventually I decided to join mainly so I could partake in the polls, but after sticking around for a few days, I realized that everyone on the site was so welcoming and friendly, and there was nary a troll in sight! I finally started posting, and never looked back :wink:

Troll are an annoying thing, especially on forums. But at PP, we take extra steps to keep them at bay.

Well, I don’t remember what Pixar Planet was like when I first joined, because I wasn’t really around much! I got an account in Janurary of 2010, but I didn’t become a regular poster until like May. But yeah, I basically Pixar Planet was the same as it is now than when I first joined, because that was only like a few months ago! :smiley:

The Star Swordsman: The troll problem on Pixar Planet is totally under control! There are so much less trolls here than on other forums. I don’t think I’ve ever had any problems with any here! Another reason why PP is amazing.

Since i was really acquainted with Wall-E, I wanted to see what the people had to say about it (and him), so i found the pixar planet forum with a LOT more than i had anticipated! So, several days later, here I am, learning the new!

Honestly, I won’t lie. I hated it here when I joined. Because everyone here hated me and thought I was an idiot. Now, this was very true. But it was still a very uncomfortable feeling, and it would have been nice if someone had reached to me instead of everyone attacking me.

(I’m going to get dogged on for this post…)

Um… I believe I found PP by googling Pixar fansites or forums. There were different posters then that don’t seem to come around anymore, but oh well. I only casually posted back then. Now I spend more time on PP than any other site!

this was a much better forum than that blowhard chems forum, although they did allow cussing (which i liked, because, it lets me be myself), I didn’t like all the antagonistic air in the forum. When i found this, all the people were nice, but i was worried that there WASN’T enough criticism going on to have a more varied forum (with a community of thriving opinion). But, there was criticism, just not the negative one that i’ve grown so used to from the old forum.

So, Salutations, Pixar Planet!

Well, i was searching for Pixar forums on the Internt and found this site. I think i did not register the first day because it took me a while to get the registration code right :laughing:
Then i joined, and oh well, i started posting :laughing: I must admit at first i didn´t post so much because i was very shy :blush: