All movies come to an end, and we know Toy Story 3 will have [spoil]a train-wrecking final act if ShoWest was correct.[/spoil]
In the original Toy Story, we had Buzz and Woody racing to get back to Andy on the road. In Toy Story 2, we had the toys searching the airport for Woody, and then later trying to save Jessie from the plane.
With the final act having a “literally horrifying” sequence, what could the final conflict be?
[spoil]The theme of this film is to escape Sunnyside, and by extension, Lotso and his troops. We’ve seen various clips showing the toys in peril, looking very distressed, running across a dumpster.
I think this points to the fact that the final conflict will be the toys escaping from Lotso and being killed in the garbage disposal.[/spoil]
What do you think will be the final conflict of Toy Story 3? If any members have already seen the film at ShoWest or other screenings, please, refrain from posting spoilers.
EDIT- Thank you for letting members know that they should use spoiler tags, but there’s a bit of a spoiler in the first sentence of your post so I’ve added tags to that too.