What's in a Username?

I never actually realized this, but it makes so much sense now. xD

Yay!! :smiley: I probably over reacted, but I don’t like Violet. I just don’t. And everyone thinks I’m here for the love of Violet, and that makes me sad. :frowning:

My usernames just LovePixar because I love Pixar. But if I have to tell the truth it was just some username I made up on the spot because the username I usually use was taken. Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I love your username, LovePixar!! :wink:

Aww thanks <3 I love your username too! :stuck_out_tongue: x

Once again I shall tell the story of my username. It’s a very silly story.

A few years ago during summer vacation I noticed that there was a group of Buddhist monks who were visiting the family across the street. Everyday they’d drive up to the house in a beat up Ford Aerostar (a minivan here in the states that now goes under a different name). At the time I thought nothing of it.

Not long after that I was watching an episode of King of the Hill that featured Buddhist monks. One of the monks actually makes a reference to loading all of their goods into a Ford Aerostar.

It then hit me that Ford Aerostars were obviously the primary form of transport for Buddhist monks. It also hit me that it would make one heck of a band name. I was hit twice more when I realized I couldn’t sing or play an instrument.

So I turned it into a screenname. I use it pretty much everywhere I go. I often find myself getting upset when other people take it only to realize that the person who took the name prior to me was myself in the past and I simply neglected to remember.

Quite the shaggy dog story, I’d say, but I love telling it nonetheless.

To the Buddha mobile!

My own story about my username is realtively dull.

Basically my username used to be almost always mental… following by 2 of my initials. Basically ‘mental’ in the UK, as with Harry Potter and all is probably as you know what you say when a person or situation is ‘crazy’ or ‘nuts’. You saw a few people called ‘mental [insert name here]’ for instance hanging around on some of these forums, so that was basically it for me. One day though I think it had been taken or something- and I got ‘mentalguru’ instead from the random name generator. I decided I liked it, because it sounded amusing- I mean gurus are supposed to be ‘experts’ in some way, and being ‘crazy’ at the same time would be possibly the last thing people would want! It sounded sort of like an oxymoron or something- of course the only moron was probably me (SOME experts ARE crazy and their craziness makes them good to begin with, but I didn’t think on that then), but I still kind of like it. :laughing: So even when I left the forum long ago I kept the username- and used it for my ff.net account.

Of course now people probably mistake it for meaning something else entirely. It makes me sound like I’m trying to say I think I’m some sort of ‘expert’ on behaviour or something- when I’m not. Though it is kind of strange how interested I am in why characters in fiction do the things that they do as well among other things. :slight_smile:

Wow, I actually like both of those stories!! :smiley:

LovePixar: Thanks!! :smiley:

Well my username is Guitarlynn53, Because I love guitars so i put that first then comes my name Lynn and the 53 well that’s out of random :smiley:

Cool. :smiley:

Haha. That’s a nice story, mentalguru. I’ve always believed your username sounds very mystical.

To put it simply, this name is one of the few default profile names I go by across the globe (i don’t usually try to bother making a different one everytime), so i’ll give you the origin of SomethingGuy912:

One of my friends accounts was NobodyMan, and, gaining some inspiration from that, i went with SomethingGuy. The 912 is part of my birth (the 912 seemed most prominent), although my birth number would be 22193, i took out the 2 and 3 at the end and reversed it to 912. I used my birthdate for other profiles, such as Reaper22193. I’ve also go by CountySteak, my xbox live profile (it was one of the default names that xbox brought up, i tried to do reaper but i couldn’t, so CountySteak just came up and it was a smash success on the name). My most commonly used profile is CarNutLance (i’m a car nut, and my name is Lance), and i’ve rarely used the profile ChesusRist16 (I was 16 when i made the profile, and ChesusRist is slang for Jesus Christ if your trying to say it in combination with Cheese and Rice.)

So, if SomethingGuy912 is too long for you, just call me Lance!

I like toy story so i turned it around and made storyoftoys

That’s pretty clever!

considering that name reversal, maybe i should change my name to 219-guy-is-something.

I really like yours! :slight_smile:

My username is diminutive of “gryphon” in Russian and then transliterated. I thought of it when I was about 11, but I can’t remember why. Maybe it’s because I like mythology, or maybe it just sounded cool :sunglasses:

That’s super neat, Grifoshka !!

Very cool! I like your username! I think gryffins are cool too.

Thanks! :slight_smile: That’s a good thread, there are a lot of interesting stories.