What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

High Five little_chef!
I love my wal-mart clothes. One time I got a pair of jeans there for 2 bucks.
and what is up with all the name brands? Their sizes are like small, extra-small, bulimic and anorexic.
And what’s the point? You’re not paying for the clothes, you’re paying for the logo on the clothes.

Really! I go to walmart and just get jeans and shirts… nothing else! Okay maybe the jacket I am wearing but thats not name brand. Everyones like omg you got South Pole or Levi’s and I am like dummies there just clothes. facepalm

Ugh. One of my best friends just grossed me out.

I just found out that both of my parents think I’m faking sick.


I’m kind of annoyed cause this kid was making fun of my voice, art, and dating status in school today. He also stole my cell phone.

^ I hate kids like that. :imp: hope he quits…

I have my second Agriculture Ambassador event this week, I’m way to tired to be doing that today! Oh well…

rock-itpop: I have two pieces of clothing from Abercrombie and Fitch. One is a tee and the other is a cami. Both of them suck the living daylights outta me, so I don’t wear them often. And I don’t like it because if you have so much as an inch of fat on you, it shows through the clothes and makes you look worse. Even though I am basically a stick, I still feel uncomfortable in them. ><

There’s just some people that shouldn’t be wearing tight clothes like that… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhoo, yeah. You really only pay for the name, which is dumb. If I ever have money to shop for clothes, I always go to either Wal-Mart, JC Penney, or Sears (pretty much the only decent clothes stores we have around here, anyway :unamused:), and they usually have decent prices.

All my hoodies are name-brand, but again I got them all for free. :slight_smile:

little chef

I just realized that yesterday was my two year anniversary of being on Pixar Planet :smiley: I still remember signing up and everything

Congratulations! I haven’t been a member that long… yet… but I’ve been lurking longer than that! :smiling_imp:

I hope these two years of being around here have been uber fun… and that the rest will be as well! :smiley:

I just ran for 20 min on the treadmill and I feel great. I should do it more often! :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

yay for little_chef! I ran today too for the cross country team. I hate running just because it’s draining mentally, but other than that I’m happy with myself when it’s over.

Don’t go hatin’ on me, but I kind of have a lot of brand name clothes. Not that I buy them. My neighbors are the hand-me-down queens, and so that’s where I get them. I HATE those stores. They smell so strongly and it’s so dark and so loud. I think I actually walked up to the counter at Hollister once, for my jeggins. I love them just because they’re so comfortable… and my mom goes to all these places where you can get shirts for $2 like Plato’s Closet.

So that’s how I fill my closet ^ :smiley:

I was working with the preschoolers at church tonight, and one little boy acted out BURN-E for me. :slight_smile: He’s so cute.

Wow! Happy 2 year-versery!

Just got back from my Ag Ambassador thingy. Second event thsi week, I still have Harvest fair at the end of the week.

That’s so cool, congrats! :smiley: I remember signing up as well.

Gah!! I havent been on in Forever T.T we have been doing actual work in class and i had to make a flip book this period >.> i was makin a vampire basied one -3- i think im actually ganna take it apart and put it together on the computer after i scan each one _ imma try to remake it on Flipnotes YD so my mood is sad/annoyed?

I’m actually quite happy :slight_smile:

Just being relaxing with music and what no, which is rare i’m usually doing stuff, and had a laugh thinking over all the funny and memorable high school memories, the typical ‘randomly laughing when you remember something funny’ thing.

Not get anything else other than same old same old, college tommorrow, can’t wait for the weekend basically.

From what I posted on Facebook:

I really don’t like it when people’s first posts of the day are negative. It immediately dampens someone else’s mood. You go and post “Today is gonna suck”, it’s like throwing a wet cloth on fire. You don’t KNOW what today is going to be like or bring, so start it off positive no matter what comes your way! :smiley:

little chef

What’s on my mind? I was just thinking about how adorable Ruff and Tuff look on little chef’s avvie. <3 awwwws! I love them so much… even though they fight with eachother all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with you, you set the mood for the day ya know. If you have the impression that it’s going to suck, then it will

Today is yet another Ag Ambassador event. I hate waking up at 7 in the morning! Ah well, we’re helping at the Harvest Fair (it’s Wine Grape Harvest season) so we’ll be helping out at the Ag education booth there.

EJE: Exactly, and I think more people need to realize that. Maybe we’d all have better days if we start out saying it’s gonna be a good one. Even if everything goes wrong over the course of the day, at least we started out with a positive attitude. :wink:

sis: Bawww I know. Haha, it’s like the most adorable picture of them, and one where they’re actually not fighting! :laughing: I should draw more of them… :stuck_out_tongue:

So, my mom was looking at colleges online the other day, and she suggested one to me and showed me what they offer and stuff. It’s Gordon College in Boston, MA, it’s a Christian-based college, and they offer a whole ton of stuff. I haven’t really found any colleges so far that’ve grabbed me, but this one did… especially when I read up on their Communication Arts Major. It’s like, everything I’ve wanted to do… film editing, public speaking, working in the media industry, and they even have internships where you can work hands-on in that environment for a certain period of time. (Their computer lab is filled with iMacs, and the college doesn’t run on anything besides OS X. <3)

They have an excellent music program as well that my sister could major in… so who knows, we might be able to go to college together! :smiley:

I’m looking into applying at a local college, and possibly getting in during the January semester, to get my core classes done so I won’t have to worry about them when I decide to go to some other college. I’d probably take a Computer Repair course there and maybe Writing or something.

I’m getting together with a friend of ours sometime next week (she’s very knowledgable in those areas) to talk college with her, hopefully get some questions answered, and start the process! :slight_smile:

God knows when to start opening all the doors! :wink:

little chef