What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

I’m thinking about the fact that I haven’t finished reading the set chapter for a lecture that starts in half an hour. Thankfully it’s all very interesting stuff (in this case, sensation and perception) and I love the lecturer that we’ve got this afternoon- Johannes Zanker, the quintessential German psychology professor! Plus the textbook we’re using was written by him, so his lectures pretty much reflect the reading word for word.

I’m thinking about going out later tonight at this scary farm place and meeting up with my friends, and possibly making some new ones. It’ll be fun, and I’m just so happy that my five day weekend is here!

I just got accepted into film school last week and now I’m super nervous. I don’t know if I’m up for the challenge. I’ve been out of school for almost 5 years now. And I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a television writer.

I’m quite amused with the fact that The Iron Giant takes place in Maine. Heh… the first movie that Brad Friggin-Awesome Bird directed was set in my state! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bawww this is my first time watching it. Hogarth is such a cutie. He kinda makes me think of Hiccup. <3

little chef

Aww… I wish I could watch it with you, sis. So Hogarth reminds you of Hiccup, huh? That’s no surprise because pretty much everything reminds you of HtTYD in one way or another. :laughing:

I’m thinking that I should start working in Photoshop… but I kinda don’t want to because my fingers are freezing. :neutral_face: I just got finished a little page of drawings done and it’d be nice to color them in the computer.

At the same time, I still have some other drawings that are still in the middle of being edited… and I haven’t finished them yet. :blush: It would probably be smarter to get the older ones done before I start on the newer drawings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of cleaning to do…we’re having a party today at my dad’s house. Then I have to go to my mom’s house and do all the cleaning there as well, cause we’re having a party tommorow night. Thanksgiving dinner at my mom’s house is gonna be a blast :smiley:

My dog is sleeping at my feet with his head on my foot! So adorable.

Hike todaaay.

Ugh why is my e-mail so slow today? :confused:

So my friend decided to go to Knott’s Scary Farm in two weeks instead of tonight. Guess who doesn’t have anything to do now. :unamused:

My friend and I came to the conculsion that it is way hotter if a guy perfers the Food Network to watching Football. Way, way much hotter.

I’m like so tired right now… I didn’t get like any sleep this past week. :frowning:

In other news, I probably drove today for a solid eight hours. I must say, I’m getting pretty decent at it! :smiley:

My birthday is on Tuesday! So excited to spend the day with my mom (my dad’ll be at work and my bros have school that day… yay for high school :smiley:) Maybe seeing a movie, too, that day. And I’ll get to wear my Disney birthday pin. The only thing I don’t want is to get a year older (15 is too old! I don’t want to grow up :frowning: )

Katie: Cool, a Disney birthday pin! And dont’ worry, there’s nothing bad about growing up!

Kenzie: Thanks :smiley: That’s what I keep telling myself, but I just wanna stay this age forever. I’m prefectly happy. Why do things have to change? :smiley:

Ugggh, how many ads are they gonna show? AHHHH! It’s on now! YAY! Toy Story cakes!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

I’m thankful for my friends and family, my good health, my camera, and my Pixar Planet peeps.

I remember watching that!

I love laughing at tourists! :laughing: Fun Stuff!

Do you remember that one cake with Lotso and Buzz Lightyear? Buzz’s head looked so little! XD

I’m hungry. I would be eating a leftover sandwich right now, but I found out my dad ate it. :angry:

Haha, I do remember that! It was hilarious looking!