What's on your mind? (Status Updates)


I read an Issue of Action Comics and an Issue Of Superman.

^I really need to start reading more comics.

I love comics, so I definitely would recommend doing so^.

I am going to read some TinTin.

Going to watch A Bug’s Life tonight. Definitely needs some more attention.

Today I got a job! As a Theme park designer. i’m so happy :smiley:

Congrats! :smiley:

Got piano class in an hour and a half.

Does anyone here have Twitter?

We’ve never cared for social networks, so no, we never opened a Twitter account.

I am not a fan of Social Networks either, so I do not have one.

Reading The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side.

I organized my family’s DVD library earlier.

I wonder how MU will be teased in Brave. Sulley appears on a tapestry or something?

I have one.

Whaaat? That’s crazy cool.

Just finished my first final, U.S. History Part II. What frustrated me is we only got to the end of World War II and the early 1950s. We didn’t talk about the Civil Rights or Woman movements, or the Cold War. Or Vitnam and Cuba.

And we were STILL quizzed on it. Even though she didn’t teach it to us! Now I love history, so I didn’t mind stuyding for it. It’s just frustrating.

Anyway, it was easy. And then there was an essay portion, we had to choosebetween life of woman in the 20th century or Europe during the Depression and WWII. I choose the latter and had more than enough to write about.

We have some friends staying with us for the next week or two, so my sister and I have spent all day cleaning our room and the bathroom. It feels good to have a clean bedroom again! The bad part is that I had to finally box up all my Toy Story stuff (I’ve had it all set out on my desk for the past year or so, and I needed to be able to use my desk again) and put it under my desk. Except my TSC Buzz and Jessie dolls, which are now being proudly displayed together on a shelf. :slight_smile:

I am listening to music.

I should have reviews up for Despicable Me and A Bug’s Life tomorrow.

Watched some Batman The Animated Series episodes today.

That will be interesting to find out.

I finished all but one of Journey’s albums today.