What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

I was watching Wrath of the Titans.

Oh, so it wasn’t good? I might rent it when it comes out. I mostly wanted to watch it because these two guys in another TV show I watch are in it, and I wanted to see them.

Will be leaving PP (temporarily) tomorrow.

Yes, it’s very bad but has strong visuals like all Tarsem Singh films.

I hope you are back soon, K9Girl.

I will miss you K9Girl.

Watching The Greatest Show on Earth.

Getting my bearings back on here after being gone for so long!

Aww! We’ll miss you :frowning:

On another note, where has IV been lately? :frowning: I’ve missed her!

^ I’ve missed IV, too! :frowning:

Yes, she’s been missed, but she always said she was thinking to take a break from here.

But it’s been too long and she hasn’t even checked in to say what has happened :frowning:

Oh wow, guys! I’m so sorry. :confused: I didn’t mean to slack off. I’m sorry. I just want to say hi, and I will be posting more often again now. :slight_smile: Guess what? I just applied for a job! At a movie theater. :slight_smile: Also, my collection has grown. On Tuesday Glenn got me the 11" Classic Merida doll as an early birthday gift. hehe I love you guys, and I’m back. :wink:

It’s great to see you again Virginia and congratulations on your job and Merida Doll.

Thanks Milan!! I’m very excited. :smiley:

Aww, it’s no problem at all! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve applied for a job and that everything’s ok! I really hope you can get it. :smiley: Also, that is a great gift! <3

Welcome back, Virginia. Nice to know you’re okay.

I think it’s best members dto take breaks from this site. I mean, come on guys, it’s just a website, it’s kinda sad if you think it’s more important then that. some members get on so much they act like it’s their life support. I bet some can’t even go one day without going here.

I’ve missed you Virginia! Good to see you back.

Yay! I missed you!

Thanks guys. I missed you all too!! :smiley:

Like me.

Just kidding. 8D