What's on your mind? (Status Updates)

Haha, nice. I’m going to have to rewatch that episode to find out!

I’m looking around at colleges today. Today’s basically the day that I need to get campus tours and stuff and sign up for financial aid and all that good stuff. then later I need to go pick up an application for a job at like, a senior center sort of thing.

Annnd I start school on Monday, so that’s kinda cool I guess. Honestly I’m looking forward to wearing my new shoes more than school xD

mo: Good luck with finding a college, and with school starting up! :smiley:

My sis and I are about to watch a movie. Actually, finish a movie I started watching last night.

coughHtTYDcoughcough :stuck_out_tongue:

Cue excited, dorky, happy-dance. 8DDD

little chef

thanks little_chef. and good luck with…watching your… movie, I guess? I hope the power doesn’t go out :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m happy cuz I finally got up my first pieces of art on deviantART. Technically it’s all my old drawings, so i put them in a folder called “fan art 1.0”, when I get something new to put up it’s going in “fan art 2.0” cuz I’m determined to start drawing more often! :smiley:

I’m excited for youth group tommorrow!

School starts tomorrow and I’m completely panicked at the moment because I’ve forgotten where my first two classes are. :angry:

I’m addicted to a computer game called “Plants Vs. Zombies”

I’m just feeling awesome right now and trying to sort out the hundreds of Facebook friend requests I got today…

Miss popular :wink:

I wanted to do homework today, but it didn’t happen. Ugh.

That game is awesome. I have the iPod Touch version.

I’m working on a short film and I have a bunch of good ideas in my head. :smiley:

Oh my Gravy. I hate getting lost at school!! It sucks eggs. Anyway…sad mood. I don’t wanna go to school :frowning:

Lol i used to love that (getting lost…), me with about 10 others in the first year of high school strolling around being late looking for the room cause’ as usual, have zero clue where the rooms are (espech mine was a large school)

:laughing: That’s funny, Pixarinho*. I don’t know why, but that’s funny.

I’m at youth group right now

I’m hoping we can go see a movie (TS3) on Labor Day. We’ve gone to see both WALL-E and Up on past Labor Days, so maybe this one we can go, too. :slight_smile:

You’re the third person to mention this game in 5 days. Apparently it’s really addicting, but the name just makes it sound ridiculous 8D

I just realized school starts next Tuesday for me, and I’m freaking out :open_mouth: I thought I had longer to prepare! Now I have to find my schedule, pack my school bag, wash my uniform, prepare my books…

Ha, the only reason I started to play that game was because it sounded so ridiculous! But it is so much fun, and a big addicting!

Well, according to my FB status, “I’m thinking of you, even when you don’t know it.”

Simply translated, this means that I’m thinking of someone special. And maybe, if God allows it, we can spark a relationship. But right now, we’re just firends.

It was quite funny, and was more fun considering most of them were my mates and went toot same junior and we were all in the same class XD. The typical classrooms are big fancy doors with a big window, and a plaque saying the name of the room and the name of the subject in 4 different languages (WTH), and this one was looked like a stock room door, not window, no plaque, just a door and we were outside it after finally finding it debating whether to go in because it didn’t look like a classroom. I was 11 then. Ahhh good times :frowning: <3

[quote=“The Star Swordsman”]
I’m thinking of someone special. And maybe, if God allows it, we can spark a relationship. But right now, we’re just firends.

I hope it works out for you

Right now I am trying to finish summer work, ugh… Pixar Planet is slowing me down, but I don’t mind.