What’s your favorite place to hang out and basically treat as a haven when you feel down? I always like to hang out at my brother’s house because he basically has a video game library in his small room.
Cookieshake is my favourite place. It’s comic book store and a milkshake store. They’re probably about a lot in America but the one in Nottingham is probably one of very few such places in the UK.
If i’m not in Nottingham, then a friends house, or the cinema
Never heard of cookieshake in my life.
At my old house, me and my friends went in the basement a lot.
Pretty much, my room. Yeah, I don’t get out that often.
That sounds amazing! Seriously. I even like the name a lot.
My favorite place to hang out nowadays is basically my apartment, where I watch movies with my boyfriend and roommate and cook a lot. Other than that, when I go out, I go downtown for shopping and stuff. Is it weird that I like to go to IKEA for fun?
Truthfully, I don’t find anything you all have said to be weird. Believe it or not, I get out when I have to go to work or attend a party, but other than that the only place I “get out” to is my brother’s house like I mentioned.
q_o_p: It is pretty darn awesome
And just me, but i’ve always loved IKEA! I wouldn’t hang out there but I used to love jumping on the beds and sitting on those spinny chairs.
My room is probably my favorite place to hang out. I live in a small town, so there aren’t many interesting places to be.
I don’t know why some people like to hang out at the mall.
My guess is because there’s a lot of stores/hangouts in the mall.
I really never saw the point to hangout their. The best hang out spot their is the food court.
Cyber A cafe at my college.
I’ve always wondered why cafes are stimulating to hang out in. I’ve been to a couple, and saw many people there.
Ironically, my room
But seriously my room is my haven as we don’t leave the house much now.
I spend a lot of time in my room. I have books, my laptop, my drawing supplies, a key board.
When I’m with friends we like to go to the plaza or go hiking.