Which actor stars the most times in the movies that you own?

Nearly added number 8 to Wayne’s list. Very nearly bought ‘The Green Berets’ but didn’t and save my money for another day.

And for Tom Hanks, watched Saving Private Ryan against last night for the time in yeeaaars.
WOW. Nuff said. Forgot how good it was. One of the easiest 10s (out of 10) i’m ever ever going to give.

I can totally agree with this. Spielberg is the master.

Tom Hanks; unless you count Ratzenberger.

-And it seems many of you have the same ordeal. :laughing:

John Ratzenberger

John Ratzenberger, Kevin Spacey and Michael Cera-Ceraaa :smiley:

Heehee, Michael Cera is awesome, even though he plays the same character in every movie!

Ha, Not as bad as Jason Statham. the amount he plays the same charcter near enough is ridiculous, literally in every single movie for the past decade or so.

John Ratzenberger for me as well… 8D

Yeah, well, there are so many actors who are like that… We could actually make another board just for that 8D

I love Michael Cera :slight_smile: But it wasn’t until I skimmed through my DVD’s that I realised I had so much of him playing the same character. He even managed to make Scott Pilgrim the same character as Paulie from Juno. That’s just funny. 8D

Heehee, I’m a fan of his as well! Especially in Juno and as Alexander Hamilton in Drunk History.

And he was great in Nick and Norah’s Infinate Playlist :slight_smile:

I’m not a fan of Michael Cera, but I enjoy the work he does.

John Ratzenberger of course… :laughing: & Johnny Depp ummm and Daniel Radcliffe in the Harry Potter series

John I do not have to list since we all know the Pixar Films but here is the ones I own with Depp

Pirates Of The Caribbean Curse Of The Black Pearl
Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Mans Chest
Pirates Of The Caribbean At Worlds End
Edward Scissorhands
Gilbert Grape
And On Stranger Tides a not so legal copy until the blu-ray release… :slight_smile:

True you’re a fellow Pirates enthusiast!

Yeah Jack Sparrow is my favorite character Depp has ever done.

Johnny Depp is awesome beyond belief. I still need to get a copy of Rango ,and I saw Edward Scissorhands for the first time the other day! I loved it.

I have 31 DVDs.

But they are all so different, that not many have the same actor (They range from Gone With the Wind to Rio to Zoolander)


Zach Galifinakis- Due Date, The Hangover
Trey Parker & Matt Stone- South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut, Christmas Time in South Park
Geoffrey Rush- The King’s Speech, Les Miserables

Directors & Producers
John Lasseter- Cars, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up, Toy Story 3, The Princess and the Frog, Rio
Trey Parker & Matt Stone- South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut, Christmas Time in South Park

Other then John Ratzenberg, it would be Adam Sandler for me. I have Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Mr. Deeds, and Grown Ups of his.

Yeah Ed Scissorhands is an awesome movie Glad you liked it EJE.

And I bought Rango today.