Which is your favourite Toy Story film?

I based my vote on script, acting, music and story line. I am ignoring the animation aspect since it is unfair to the previous two films to use that a measure for quality of the films.
Based on the above I voted for the first Toy Story. While I know this would never happen, it’d be awesome if on the 20th or even 25th anniversary that PIXAR re-releases all 3 films. Keeping the same dialog, but updating the animation to its current standard.

Agreed 100%. :slight_smile:

I love you.

Personally, I hope they never re-animate the movies. They’re perfect the way they are. <3

IncredigirlVirginia: Disney likes to update their movies every 20-25 years. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did something on a major anniversary for the series.
Computer animation is a new territory when it comes to updates. We’ve learned that the software didn’t survive fully 10 years ago. This was mostly due to updates in the programs that annimated it to begin with. However, I am not convinced that with Disney at the helm they wouldn’t update the animation. Look at every other Disney movie.

I guess the first one, but three comes really close.

They didn’t “re-paint” the movies, though. They simply “enhanced” them, meaning glossing it up. Not re-animating. Besides, Toy Story(as you probably know) was and is the first entirely CG film ever. If they made it look new, in my opinion, it would defeat the purpose. See, old films become historical artifacts, like cars and record players. Refresh the colors? Fine, if you must. Even though it’s already a very colorful, visually dazzling artwork. But no re-animating!! PLEASE!!

Definitely 2. It was the one I watched the most when I was young, so it holds many memories to me. It is also very recognizable because I collect various kinds of toys as well, and Al’s behavior somewhat reminded me of people from toy-collector forums. :laughing:

I also have the best memories of TS2!! I remember going to see it. <3

Haven’t we had this thread a bunch of times before? anyhow…

Toy Story.

First one I watched, most nostalgic feel for it when I watch it, I feel it doesn’t have as much heart as the second, but the fantastic dialogue makes up for it. I don’t know, there’s something I just can’t put my finger on, on why I prefer it to the other two.

^It is the best one in my opinion. :smiley: Not my favorite, but the best.

Either Toy Story 3 or Toy Story
Toy Story 2 was never my favorite :frowning:

Shouldn’t there be a ‘2’ in there somewhere ;D

Toy Story 3 :sunglasses:

Oh I thought I put two, I guess not fixing it now.

Toy Story 3, no contest.

Since this always comes up… I’ve actually had a thought about Pixar re-animating the movies for the current standard, and out of nowhere something dawned on me. I think it would be really cool if they took maybe a scene from each TS and TS2, and did them up with the technology of TS3. Not re-create the movies, but just a glimpse of what it would look like.

I’ve mentioned it before, but nobody really wants them to go back and re-animate the first ones. We’ve grown up with Toy Story the way it is, is the way we remember it from the first times we watched it. Sure it may not be up to “Today’s Standard” but it just wouldn’t be the same. But I think that little scenes upgraded would be a pretty cool Special Feature down the line.

I cannot decide on the matter at all. All three are absolutely perfect films. Toy Story had the most comedy, Toy Story 2 had the most sophistication, and Toy Story 3 had it ALL, everything. I can’t pick one without the other, or I imagine Woody, Buzz, and everyone looking as hurt as they did when “Operation: Playtime” didn’t work in 3.

They should’nt touch it one bit the animators put there whole heart in animating those characters so to have some one else go back and redo them would be just insulting.

Toy Story 2. I love them all, but this is the only movie on the face of the Earth I like as much as The Incredibles.

I personally like them all but I did watch Toy Story 1 and 2 when I was younger but I really liked Toy Story 1. I liked it because it was a classic and the first fully computer animated picture made and before Dreamworks, hahaha. :laugh: