Which one will be the best: Up, Toy Story 3, or Newt?

You know I’ve kinda considered writing one either about Finding Nemo 2: The Fish Hook or Wall-E 2: Power of the Pizza Plant!. I’m not even quite sure what either of them are about, as I made them up just a little while ago. By the way, I’ve read part of your Incredibles 2 fanfic and thoguht you did a great job! :wink:

you read it. Wow thanks!

No prob, Bob! (Get it?) [spoil]Cheezy!!![/spoil]

good grief

are the girlz at all persuading you to do any of these posts??

Nope, just bored. actually, they left this morning. :sunglasses:

i know what you mean by bored
its a common weakness.

I voted for Toy Story 3, yeah, quite bias.

I think Up is going to be awesome as well since Pete Docter is directing it. He did an excellent job for Monsters, Inc.

Well, I don’t really know much about Newt. It looks really interesting though. When I first saw this picture, I thought the character on the ‘t’ letter is Randall Boggs Jr. :open_mouth:

BTW, why is no one talking about The Bear And The Bow, the first Pixar’s fairy tale (kind of). I am surely looking forward to watch it.

Hey, let’s not forget John Carter of Mars, set in, yet, once again, the far stretches of space - in live action, this time.

Oh yeah, WBoon! John Carter of Mars!!! How did I totally forget about that?! I hope live-action is going to do well with Pixar.

Speaking of its setting, I wish Pixar will put some WALL-E references there.

I picked Up. Dunno why really :laughing: . Monsters Inc. was just an amazing film, this one must be great, Pete Docter is directing it.

Hey! What about Cars 2!? Am I the only one that wants to see the sequal cause I feel like I am.

I really hope it’s Toy Story 3. Without a doubt that’s going to be a monster at the Box office but if it’s a critical sucess to boot then that would just be the icing on the cake.

It’s got to be UP. Carl is/will be the best character ever created by Pixar, just ahead of WALL-E himself.

I think the story will be great for Toy Story 3, but it won’t surprise like the others

Newt, just too little info. Interesting idea though

No duh, it’ll be Toy Story 3!! Everyone loves Toy Story! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s probably going to either be Up or newt. Both are big risks for Pixar. Toy Story 3 just plays it too safe.

I don’t know about you guys, but i am REALLY excited for Newt! I just think the story line sounds SO creative!!! :smiley: :smiley:

I actually thought about this poll for so so long! I am equally excited for Up and Newt! I can’t wait to learn more about Carl’s life!

Even though this isn’t one of the options I’m really exicted for the Bear and the Bow. :slight_smile:

I personally will go with Toy Story 3 because Toy Story is one of my favorite movies of all time. Probably number 1. <3

Up is a great movie, I really enjoyed it and I’m pretty sure that Newt will be good as well. Pixar hasn’t failed us yet so the movies will be great. Just comes down to your personal opinion.

I heard that they’re the last two newts on earth and have to mate even though they don’t like each other. Good plot, two things. It may get awkward for some people, and it may be compared to Ice Age 2, with the last on earth that don’t like each other and need to save the species. Also used in Dr. Doolittle 2. Besides that, It’s Pixar, It’ll make Ice Age 2 look bad, Pixar’s never done wrong before, I trust them. I picked Up, cause the emotion and humor and plot are just amazing.