Who has the best avatar?

You’re welcome WBoon. YOu should start your own graphics thread with skills like that.

Nah, that’s alright, I’m more or a writer than a drawer, and I haven’t even finished the latest chapter of my fan fic yet. Thanks, though. Hopefully Pixfan would make a Halloween themed avatar, though - she’s the true expert in this field. :wink:

Aww, thanx WBoon…yea, I might as well make few avatars right? 8D

Nice job on yours as well…very creative. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />)

The only thing I might do with mine is change the color…only 'cause I like it so much (this screencap is not even from the movie), and changing the color actually gives it a different feel…:wink:


New av. ^^. It’s been a while since I’ve changed mine.

Since we all seem to be getting halloween avatars i made up a new one that should scare the pants off of all a ya’.

Laugh out loud, Al-Bob! That’s sure to give anyone nightmares… :laughing: Jeez, if you hate that movie so much, you’re gonna love my spoof on it. Be sure to tell me what you think in the thread or under the vid itself! Hint hint :wink: [/end shameless plug]

Nice avatar, Abbervail Dream. TNBC is a classic, and one of the best in stop-motion animation. Very appropriate.

As always, Pixfan scores with another cool avatar and sig. I need to check out your thread for any new ones I can ‘try’ on.

I also love the Dark Knight/Incredibles mash-up WBoon. I’m a fan of crossovers in any form, so this is right up my alley. It helps that I like long-exposure light-trails too, because that’s what it looks like. Nice work!

And…nobody has yet commented on my ‘electrifying’ Halloween avatar that I introduced a few posts back. Quite shocking:confused:

LOL @ Al-Bob: Nice, dude! :laughing: I wouldn’t know if the first film is bad or not yet, but nice anyway.

thedriveintheatre: Thanks. :slight_smile: I actually quite like your avatar when I first saw it. It’s very fitting to the Halloween theme so it kinda blended in with all the Halloween avatars that are popping up everywhere, making it quite unnoticeable… :blush:

Just re-changed my av’ cause i love The Joker so much that i had to put it somewhere, it’s also a good avatar for Halloween ! :smiley:
I will be putting back my old siggy when i 'm finished with my Dark Knight fever ! :smiley:

Wow, that was quite a lot of avatar switches. I love them all you guys.

I’ve got a Halowe’en avatar nao.

A cherry fell off a cake leaving a trail of bloodstain-like substance behind. Gnarly. :wink:

no, a birthday cake. It’s mah birthday on hallowe’en!

Oh… Well, Happy Bloodstained Birthday, WALL-E! :stuck_out_tongue:

there’s still a couple of weeks.

Yeah, but an early birthday greeting never hurts. :wink:

collapses to the floor in pain


Fine, then. takes back greeting Happy? :stuck_out_tongue:

no. I want my greeting back :frowning:

Nah, I wouldn’t want to cause you any more pain. :smiley:

you said bloodstained, so you can keep it. i’d like to be in good health for my b’day