Who has the best Signature?

Couldn’t agree more!

I would respond to someone elses signature… but I’ve had enough of making waves for one week!

Alright, the Cap is back! :smiley: I’m so glad and relieved this crisis has been averted… oh well, to quote a J.B. movie title, “live and let die”, I suppose.

Well, I like your sig, Pan. I like how you made Kevin’s neck stand in for the ‘i’. Was the misspelling of ‘awefully’ on purpose? And is that a quote from the movie? Finally, what are the fonts for “To live…” and “B…G”? :slight_smile:

I also like Phileas’, which looks professional as usual. I need to think of a ‘template’ much like his for my promo sigs… Is that line from the movie too?

Finally, I like LightningandDoc’s promo for the Cadillac Ranch forum. Once again, thewisecookiesheet has pulled another podium finish! :smiley:

To Quote a Disney Film TDIT “Hakuna Matata”

Back to the Farm… Although this one might be a funny farm!

The quote is taken from the Speilberg movie “Hook”
Kevin’s position is on purpose. spelling of of “awefully” Whoops! Knew I couldn’t spell!
Fonts: of “To live…” Segoe Print Bold and “B…G” SF Fedora Titles Shadow from the Indiana Jones title range… all available at your local Dafont.com

I didn’t create it (as I give due credit to thewisecookiesheet) but I will say thanks for liking it! And I actually created the forum in my promo! :open_mouth: Yeah, I did.

I had the link to my forum posted on my journal on deviantArt, and through her dA account, thewisecookiesheet noticed the link. She checked out the forum (while we were chatting through Skype) and without telling me, she created that promo! Boy, was I surprised! And very, very happy!! :smiley:

Thanks a lot TDIT! The line is not from the movie… just a maxim. :slight_smile: BTW, answering your previous question yonks ago, I don’t actually have any experience, but I do freelance graphics work. :wink:

Yeah, your sigs always look professional Phileas, very nice. I also love that pic of Ellie, that part is great. :wink:

I think I need a new sig soon, I’ve had this one for a long time now. Maybe my avatar as well.

Only one thought on my sig! :open_mouth: I was expecting more :frowning:

Well Phileas that there be an interesting sig… The line works lovely… and provides inspiration to those who sometimes feel like theirs aren’t coming true! And the Images are superb! But then its Pixar they couldn’t be anything but superb!

Wow! I love your new sig Captain! “Eye” See You~ Heheh…LOL
Funny, absolute funny:D

Thanks wannabechef91 I just couldn’t think of what to put when I made it… and its the one that popped into my head when the time came. Its not anything spectacular but its ok I suppose

I love Violet Parr’s new signature! The text is great and the purple works really well with the tone of the image.

I also really like Captain Pan’s latest signature. :smiley:

I love Violet Parr’s siggy too. It is dark, but the text is the most powerful part of the sig. I love it Violet Parr. If you don’t mind, I would like to use that quote in my fanfic.

Hannahmation: This might be just me, but your siggy kinda reminds me of a book cover for Pixar Pedia.

Why only one comment on my signature? :cry:

TSS: Now that you mention it, I can see how it reminds you of the Pixarpedia cover. :slight_smile:

Hannahmation- Thanks :slight_smile: ! That happens to be my favorite tone of purple (possibly my favorite color), so I’m really glad it worked well. Thank you :smiley: !

The Star Swordsman- Thank you :smiley: ! I know it’s dark, but I kinda wanted it to look Gothic, as I really like that style (as long as it’s not excessively dark). And I’m flattered that you’d want to put that in your fanfic :slight_smile: ! You can use it, as long as you credit me for it. I don’t mean to sound… well, mean, but I’m just really careful about that. Thank you so much, though :smiley: !

I’m glad that you decided to let me use the text in your siggy for a future chapter Vi. Thanks a lot. Keep the siggy in handy just in case I forget about it.

annarborjack: I’m not sure if I really get what your signature is saying…I might, but I’m not really sure…

Violet Parr: Outstanding sig! The darkish tone to it really emphasizes it, and I love how the violet touch to it matches the violet touch to your avvie. The quote is amazing…it’s inspiring and perfect for Vi’s struggle to stay strong, and also relatable in its own way. Your way with words right there is really great. :smiley:

TSS- Thank you :smiley: ! I’m just tickled pink that someone asked to use a quote I came up with for their fanfic! Thank you so much!!! And I’ll keep the sig handy just in case :wink: . If you ever want to use it for something with your fanfic, just ask.

BDD- Thank you :slight_smile: ! I actually picked that avatar for that reason. I thought about making one to mach, but I didn’t have the time, so that’s what I used. I guess that it worked better than I thought :slight_smile: . Thanks!!!

Phileas- Oh my gosh!!! I LOVE your new siggy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ! That’s definitely the best one I’ve ever seen you wear! “Mum! You said for our holiday you’d fly us to Disney World not Paradise Falls!” 8D Just out of curiosity, do you always spell mom as mum were you live? And do they actually talk that way in the movie? I’ve always wondered that. I figured you’d be the person to ask. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the new siggy Phileas! Really cute and really funny.

I really like Violet Parr’s signature, but there are always fantastic quotes that she puts on there. Inspiring, uplifting, and thinking.

annarborjack: I believe I read a quote similar to that somewhere talking about DreamWorks and how they make more movie to get money to make movies to get a load of profit from the money they made off the sequel.