little_chef_eva09’s siggy is spectacular! I love it!
I like The Chicken Man’s new sig, because it has Invader Zim on it!
I second that!
I agree, Invader Zim is awesome.
Thanks so much Ding, BDD and JSWeC! I was having graphic-making withdrawals yesterday and whipped up a few new HtTYD ones. Overall I’m pretty proud of the results and thought I’d wear this one for a good long while.
little chef
Gotta agree there, Rood. Your sig looks awesome. ^^
Thank you much, Czarine! I have to say it’s my favorite out of the three I made yesterday. It was definitely time to make a new one, as much as I loved my old one… sniff sniff
little chef
I’ll have to agree with the general consensus little_chef; I love your new signature I’ve always liked that particular piece of concept art, and the new colours and the quote make it even better. I will miss your old one though.
Haha, I miss my old one already!
But thanks to you, too! Yes, that piece of concept art is amazing. <3 I wanted to make something nice out of it without compromising the feel of the original, and I think I came pretty close to that. Again, overall quite proud of the results.
Plus it felt good to be doing something productive in Photoshop, so I might be doing a few more HtTYD graphics (and maybe some Pixar ones, if I can come up with good ideas) here soon.
little chef
EDIT: OOOPS… wrong thread. Sorry.
Evil_Genius_27: This is going to sound like an extremely random question, and you may have already answered it, but what exactly is your signature from? And may I ask what it is on your signature? [spoil]All my sister can deduce is that it looks like a dead child, or something. xDDD[/spoil] Apologies for my ignorance, I’m quite deficient of pop culture and movies.
little chef
A dead child? Oh my, I hope I dont come off as that macabre Its a still from the teaser trailer of Bioshock 2, a video game. Its a little girl holding a Big Daddy doll looking out at the ocean. Her dress is the curtainy-looking thing at the right of the picture. Heres another picture, before the close-up of the doll:
First time I saw your sig Evil_Genius_27 I thoght it was something hanging itself. lol, I don’y know if I wanna change mine, I like it.
Wow, maybe I should change mine A lot of misconceptions about it apparently, and none of them good. I really like yours Pixarfan91 It makes me laugh. But if you have another you like better, by all means go ahead and change it! Remember, you can always change it back
I like Snipe’s Doc Hudson sig.
Thanks, ellie-jessie-eve! I did make a mistake, though… I said “racecar expert” instead of “racing expert”. I’m going to go in and fix it after I’m finished with my current project.
I really like Snipe and ellie-jessie-eve’s new signatures. Invader Zim for president
Hey, EvilGenius, I like your new sig!
Thank you very much Snipe! I made a few yesterday, and I couldn’t decide which one to use. Eventually I decided on this one, although, I guess that’s kinda obvious seeing as it’s the one I’m using.
Thanks Evil_Genius_27! Glad that there’s another fan of Zim here! I recently rediscovered my Zim DVD, so I’ve been in a Zim mood.
I like your new sig as well! What were the other ones you made like?