Who has the best Signature?

Is B-D-D’s signature from Lilo and Stitch, by any chance? I’m probably wrong, seeing as how I haven’t watched that movie since I was like, 8 or 9. :laughing:

JSWeC: That signature idea sounds really cute, by the way. :slight_smile:

Thinking of making a new sig soon. But I like this one,

ellie-jessie-eve, I have this to say about your sig:

“I’m tired of this Muggle-flouting Snapes on this Muggle-flouting plane!” :sunglasses:

I love EJE’s, as well. Snape is my favorite character!! I feel bad for him; being bullied is the worst feeling ever. :frowning:

Changed my sig again.

ellie-jessie-eve: Your new avatar and sig totally made my day. :mrgreen:

Same here. I. Loved. It. I laughed out loud, hahaha it was amazing. That’s the best sig, ever.

Oh my god eje, your sig is utterly hilarious! I really despise SATC, but putting Snape in there is pure genius! Did you make these sigs? If not, where can I find them? I love these mash-ups! :smiley:

little_chef’s sig of Nicolas Marlet’s rendition of the Terrible Terror is adorable! I should check out this ‘forum roleplay’ thingamajig…

I also like Pizza Planet Truck’s mash-up of Cars 2 and Star Trek. That’s funny, right thurr.

In case anyone is wondering about the subtitle of my sig (“The Mane Event”), it’s just the name of a series of Tangled sigs I’m making and will be posting soon. It’s not the name of a trailer parody or mash-up or anything, though I am working on a TV spot now… :wink:

Ahh! The worlds ending! TDIT made a spelling error!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks TDIT.

PPT’s current “Nice Sig Awards” go to…


Gotta love JustSoWall-eCrazy’s sig.

I’m a huge Star Wars fan, as some of you know.

I’m glad that that you all have enjoyed my sigs and avvies so much! Must be the spirit of the movie coming out this week! Yep, I am a big Alan Rickman fan, and Snape fan of course!

thedriveintheater: I wish I had the talent to say I made these, but I don’t. I found all of them online, in google search.

Anyways, thanks for the compliments guys!

Thanks for the award, PPT. So what’s my prize? :stuck_out_tongue: BTW, the spelling error is a cheesy pun (“Main”, “Mane”, geddit?), but I’m sure you figured that out. :slight_smile:

eje: You don’t really need as much talent to make graphics as say, drawing or writing. Just an understanding of Photoshop (or Paint), images (downloaded from the Internet or screencapped), a couple of fonts, and a great idea! :wink:

Hear, hear.

That said, though, I’m mighty impressed by yours, SoA. Could you give like a brief summary of how you did you sig and avatar (Blending Options, Free Transform, or something)?

Thank you, PPT. Violet Parr made it. :smiley:

I love SoA’s. Like, really. Really. It’s awesome. :mrgreen:

Well, I’m trying to give them the most authentic feel possible, even thought they’re absolutely different words to the originals.

So, I copied the colors from the actual logo. The shadows below are obtained with the burning tool, don’t know if you’re familiar with it.

The curvature is made with the text blending option, putting a -16 setting on the curve.

As for the profundity, it’s created the old way: a series of duplicated layers in another color, positioned one slightly above the other.

Sorry about being so vague. I’m not good at tutorials, because I’ve got no formal Photoshop training, I just learned by myself, so I don’t know all the terms, and stuff.

Thank you, TDIT! I actually didn’t design this… my friend from the forum, who built our beautiful skin and created all of the graphics for it, gave me permission to use it as my signature here. And yeah, you should totally check it out… besides RPing, we also highly encourage discussion of the movie (which we need a whole lot more of!). :slight_smile:

And I know that you’re interested in fan fiction and whatnot… some of the stories (RPs) we have going on over there have really interesting plots and might pique your interest. :wink:

Oh plugging, how I love to use thee. xDDD

little chef

unfortunetly I lack understanding of PHotoshop and great ideas! But who knows? I think I may try to make graphics, it’s always been something I’ve wanted to do.

As always, Spirit of Adventure has added another great sig and avatar to his lineup!

Thanks, ellie-jessie-eve :slight_smile:

The next one will be a tricky one to obtain, won’t it? I’ll try to make it in a few days.

Is it just me, or has Leirin come out with one of the best sigs ever seen around these forums?!! :smiley: