Who has the best Signature?

I understand that. The others look the same in a way; the same soft, clear lines. Then they throw Hercules in there with all the jagged edges and muscles and weird hair–yeah, I understand. I just disagree. :stuck_out_tongue: 8D

No, of course. It’s a thing of stylistic tastes.

I don’t dislike it either, but I much prefer the most realistic style of the other Renaissance features.

I totally understand. I prefer the style of the others over Hercules if I had to choose, but I still like it. I like all of their styles, I just dislike some plots and characters.

I also like most of their movies.

As you know, I’m currently doing The Disney Retrospective.

But there’s another board for all things Disney 8D

I have no idea what that means. :open_mouth:

Glossary of terms:

-I like most of their movies: I think the majority of the Disney movies are fairly good.

-As you know, I’m currently doing The Disney Retrospective: I’m watching every single one of the 50 Disney animated features.

-But there’s another board for all things Disney: We’re getting off topic, we should move to the Disney boards.

Oh, okay. The middle one was the one that confused me. 8D And sorry, I’ll stop with the random conversation now.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my new sig! I’m very happy with how it looks, and I think I’ll keep it for a good long while. :slight_smile:

little chef

Thank you very much, MissCarrera! :smiley:
I love your sig, it looks so peaceful.

Thanks to you as well! It does have an essence of tranquility to it doesn’t it? I’m so excited for the endless amount of graphics I’ll be able to make once the film is out. :smiley:

bryanbmp’s is amazing!!! :open_mouth: <3

I love yours, Incredigirl. All the Disney princesses, can’t go wrong with that.

Yours is pretty good too, Rac_Rules!

I like IV, Spirit and Rac_Rules, all them are nice siggies

Yeah, I’m loving bryanbmp’s shot of The Incredibles :smiley:

thanks Leirin, I also like your Beatles cartoon siggy,looks awesome :smiley:

MissCarrera, your Sally is gorgeous :smiley:

Thanks! I like yours myself. I actually giggled, and even the funnier graphics usually don’t draw physical emotion from me. 8D Pretty awesome, Rac!

And Bryanbmp, I love yours!!! :open_mouth: <3

I know why?? mmmm… The Incredibles

I’ve always loved that shot of the family and Lucious. <3

I like Virginia’s Trazan & Jane sig. I really like that movie.