Haha, I like it! Short, sweet, and to the point.
Anyone here named Brave yet?
LOL I wouldn’t be surprised if there was!
WE still need Dreamworks.
^That would be sacreligious around here!
It’s gotta happen, Someone need do to it.
What if they were a troll? That would be like the bestest troll ever!
If they are, I say we make a Best Troll Award for the PP Awards. Actually, Let’s do that if it happens or not. A Best Troll award
Making that an award may bring out the worst in people, though.
It would still be funny to see it happen.
I missed something… well Ive missed alot of things but this I want to know
pixarmilan has a pretty cool name!
I would be so amused if that happened.
Also a Best Spammer.
I think Pixarmilan is a cool username.
Can someone explain what you were or are talking about?
We were talking about usernames that gotta be used.
pixarmilan is a awesome name!
Alway’s thought Phileas was a cool name.
Yes! I love his!
Wish he would post more.