Who here thinks pixar should do a movie about Sonic?

I love the Sonic the Hedgehog series, but it doesn’t seem to be the sort of thing Pixar would adapt. And anyway, I’d prefer something new and original.

Honestly, a Sonic movie would be awesome coming from Pixar!

Since they’re already spoiling the no-fairy tale thing, I don’t want them to adapt video games, too. I like the movies they make now.

NO WAY, Pixar should always do ORIGINAL Films, no ADAPTATIONS, and also which crown has sonic??? imo, there are other video game characters who are more charming

I have no knowledge of Sonic, but that’s not why I say no. I think Pixar should stick to original stories.

Not that there’s anything wrong with adaptations, but I like how originals are a Pixar trademark so far.

I wouldn’t mind seeing SEGA do a CG Sonic movie. Their cutscenes/trailers are always really well made. But Pixar should stick to original projects.

I see that some of us agree with the statement that Pixar should always do original films, that was exactly my position when I heard that they would adapt some comic books from Marvel…

Yes. Luckily those rumors weren’t true. Same when we thought John Carter was going to be a Pixar production.

Could Pixar make a video game movie? Plus they would need to team up with Sega and Nintendo.

I wouldn’t be interested in this movie if they made it. I wouldn’t even see it.

I agree on a sonic movie, but maybe pixar shouldn’t do it someone else should, but it’s a very good idea though. (I’m a Huge sonic fan)

Pixar doesn’t do adaptions.

Yeah, I’m not really against the idea itself, because I’m sure Pixar could do it a ton of justice. But I like this streak of original work Pixar has and want them to keep it.

Sonic disinterests me, and I can’t imagine Pixar doing an adaption of it.

I love Sonic, but he’s already got a lot of stuff for his franchise, that a Pixar movie for him would be unnessecarry.

If Pixar was going to do the Sonic the Hedgehog series, I guess the question would be whether or not they’d consider Sonic their type of thing. Even if they did research on a different franchise we don’t know that someone like John Lasseter would think that the character of Sonic really worked for them or saw potential in it to make it worth doing a film. I’m admitingly a fan of playing the games (especially the classic ones), but I can’t say if I think any of them have ever been Pixar material for a story or not.

Pixar loves to do original stories. Sonic is an established franchise. I don’t think Pixar will tackle something like that.

PS: I love the sonic games as well. I find myself playing them for nostalgic resons.

Pixar should only make original franchises. Leave the adaptions to Dreamworks.

Right. Leave it to DreamWorks.

Lol. I forgot all about this. Way to revive a dead thread everybody.