Who took the pictures?

I’ve always just wondered it, it’s not a negative thought. I’m not the first to ask a stupid, irrelevant question here. :frowning:

Just sharing my point of view, I’m not judging anyone…

Oh, okay. It just seemed really negative the first time.

Should have replaced ‘sarcasm’ with ‘irony’… Me and my vocabulary. :unamused:

Ah, I see. It’s my fault anyway. I’m too quick to get upset. :blush:

I think russel went back in time and disguised himself as a camera man and took the pictures after that he purposely infected eli let her die and planned the events of the whole movie just so carl would be his friend muahahahaha :smiling_imp:
Nobody hate me for saying all that stuff i just always think about an alternate story in every movie when i saw toy story 2 as a kid i always thought weezy plotted against woody and made him fall off the dog so al would take him but that was when i was a kid :unamused:

Wow, YouAreAToy!!!, that’s…interesting. :laughing: Creative idea. Do I smell a fanfic?

Yeah im not really into doing fanfics i mostly read em not write em so if someone wants to take my idea by all means do it just be sure to credit me :wink:

That’s really funny YouAreAToy!! :laughing:

Lol thanks i always did think something about russel was a little fishy… :laughing:

Ah, I see. I don’t even read them, due to a few…bad experiences I’ve had.

By bad experiences do you mean people making the fanfics dirty and $3xual cause ive run into that a couple times it scares me and make me want to stop reading em sometime to but i keep reading cause there are some good ones out there.

Yes. I was way too…disturbed by some of the characters, even though the fics started really clean and not dirty. No more for me. :open_mouth:

Yeah i ran into one fanfic that will haunt my mind till the day i die it was about mr.incredible and mirage which i think is just bleh :exclamation: so yeah ive run into a couple disturbing ones…

Eh, I hate any Incredibles fics that separate Mr. I and Elastigirl. :stuck_out_tongue: Especially Mirage. :imp:

your hatred for mirage is shared i actually wish he would of killed her in the movie :smiling_imp: :exclamation:

Yes!!! I hate her so much. :smiley:

Who took these pictures? I will try to answer this question.And my answer would be:Carl’s heart is the camera-man and these are not “photo pictures”,these are memories about person who Carl loved the most in his life-Ellie .

Let’s start from the beginning.Pixar’s “Up” movie is not about Carl and his wife Ellie.It’s about us and our life.When we watch this movie we see ourselves.We are born,grow up,we find our love,make families and we get old.But in the end of our life we will not forget about some dreams we had in our childhood still.But so is the life…We don’t always have time for these dreams to come true or…It’s just impossible to make some dreams come true.But our family-is the most important thing we have no matter what.Carl and his wife could’t have kids,but… very bad things happen in some people life.But they loved each other-and it helped them to live happily their life until Carl’s wife died.

But after Carl’s wife died,he needed something to feel himself alive.He have’t forgot his wife and he have’t forgot about his childhood dream and the promise he made to Ellie.So he decided to make this dream come true together with…his wife.

Now about photos.The main director’s idea was,i think,that there is something more important than just photos.It’s-memories about people we love and we should keep them in our hearts.If you have’t forgot the person you love-this person will be always alive in your heart no matter what.And it will help you to feel alive also.

Carl have’t forgot his wife.He was always thinking about his wife when she was alive (old photos-means old memories).He was always thinking about
his wife after she died (new photos-new memories of Carl and Ellie.Because she was still alive inside his heart) .Carl’s wife had never been with him during his adventure but she always been in his heart (that’s why “new photos”- new memories apperead),and that’s why the final photo of them, elderly and in their chairs appeared.And below, in the corner, Ellie has written: “Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one. Love, Ellie.”

Memories you keep in your heart are more important than photos you keep in your photo album.And that’s why no explonation is given about who took this pictures.Because the camera-man is Carl’s heart.We don’t need someone to make memories for us(like making a photo) We are "making " them by ourselves.We can forget about someone,but we can never forget about someone also.

As i said before,i think these are not “photo pictures”,these are memories about person who Carl loved the most in his life-his wife Ellie.And “Ellie’s adventure book” is Carl’s “memories album” about their love to each other inside his heart.

Maybe they had photo album also.But "Ellie’s adventure book "just looks like photo album,so we could see what is going on inside Carl’s heart and what memories are inside his memories-album. It’s just something different and more important than a photo album.

Russel also became a part of Carl’s family and memories.That’s why new “photos-memories” of Carl and Russel appeared in his heart.

Everyone has his own “Adventure book”…It’s all depend on us what kind of stories will be written in this book.That means what kind of memories,good or bad, we will have in the end of our life.

P.S. But,of course, we still need photo albums also :wink:

So the camera man was just a a metaphor the camera man was carl and ellies memories sounds good to me besides for all i care the camera coulda been scooby-doo as long as the movie was good witch it was is there anymore we can ask of a pixar movie other then quality and emotion.

No,camera-man is Carl’s (and ours) heart .And

1)It all depends on us,what photos-memories we will have in our “Adventure book”(memories album) inside our heart in the end of our life.

  1. We should never forget about the people we love and if we keep thinking about them and haven’t forgot about them-new memories(photos) of us and these people will show up in our memories-album even if they were far way,because they’ve been always part of our life,in our heart, no matter what were we doing…That was Pixar’s “Up” movie idea ,i think.