Yes, another of “those” threads. Anyway, talk about marching band here!!
Love, no volunteering other members. Besides, we all know she is. She’s just cool like that.
Lauren is one of the coolest people I know
And sorry for volunteering others backs away in shame
It’s cool, just cheating.
I’m not, but half of my friends in high school were! I was one of the Aggies in high school, but I’m not going to bother starting a thread for that because I’m pretty sure I’m the only one!
I love marching band! Our band is going down to Florida this winter to play halftime at the Outback bowl, I’m so excited! One thing I don’t like about it though is that it just takes soooooooo muuuuuch time.
I was in band at school last year.
I quit because the band teacher is a creepy perv.
Other than that it was pretty good.
I play(ed) clarinet.
You played clarinet? That’s what I play. Ding, that’s cool. We never go places
I actually play alto sax, Virginia. But I started on clarinet, if that means anything!
I played Euphonium for 14 years. I turn 19 next month. I stopped last year because I got too busy. I was the drum major of my high school’s marching band. I went to the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy.
yep,IV, I played clarinet. It was fun, but somehow I always managed to break my reeds.[/b]
Me too!! They crack too easily, especially Rico’s. Van Doren rules, and starts with V.
Miriam, that’s really cool!! Our euphonium players are terrible.
I used Rico’s.
I always had to replace them, and I probably still owe the band teacher like 20 bucks for reeds.
It’s okay, I did the same thing.