Who's Your Favorite Up Character?

Yes, what an awesome signature. A serious contender for the next Pixar Planet Awards.

I love Ellie. Her character is loud and crazy, and she balances out Carlā€™s shyness perfectly. I love Carl and Ellie as a couple, and as individuals.
And Muntz was a fantastic villain.

Oh geez guys, thanks! :smiley: The compliments really just keep pouring in! xD And itā€™s cool that you think that, rock-itpop, I think weā€™re in a minority here about Muntz. I consider him one of the most intimidating Pixar villains.

I also love Muntz. His voice is awesome, like his design. And I love adventurers and the blimpā€¦ well you maybe noticed Iā€™m named after it :smiley:

Thats why heā€™s in my sig.

Yaya, another Ellie fan! Ellie is getting so much love lately.

I canā€™t decide. Monsters, Inc. is the same way. I love all the characters so much I canā€™t have a favorite! :slight_smile:

My favorite is Dug. Well, I have a weakness for dogs, including animated ones. He is not the deepest character in the story, but heā€™s adorable, heā€™s devoted, he has a dead-on behavior of a golden retriever, and he reminds me of my friendā€™s dog.
However, as Iā€™ve already said somewhere, Carl and Ellie are my favorite Pixar couple.

all of them, but I admire

Muntz & Fredricksen personalities

I like all of the characters. Literally. But Iā€™ll go with Carl.

Not alot of characters to choose from, so ā€¦ Carl - Muntz - Dug. In that order.
Russell was annoying (iā€™m convinced his character was meant to be that way)

^ Now that you say it, Iā€™ve always considered that.

Up is probably the Pixar film with the least wide variety of colorful secondary characters.

It has the fewest characters at all. :slight_smile:

Russell and AJ

Awesome! Heā€™s not my favorite but AJ (and George) are pretty overlooked.

Well, most character with their screen-time are overlooked. at least theyā€™ve got a short film of their own!

I still need to watch that short in its entirety. :blush: But George and AJ are pretty okay for the time they had. I just wish they hadnā€™t said those foul things about Carl as he went inside. :imp:

I hope youā€™ve checked it out! But yeah theyā€™re total jerks.

My favorite Up characters are Carl, Russell, Dug, Kevin, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, George, AJ, Ellieā€¦

I donā€™t know what I said when I last responded here forever ago. But I watched Up a couple weeks ago, and I forgot how much fun Kevin was. And Russell is great of course too, and donā€™t get me started on Dug! Ellie is fantastic as well. Sheā€™s only physically present in the first 15 minutes, but sheā€™s a major character for the rest of the film in spirit and memory.