Something really strange just happened to me, and I don’t know what on earth is going on!
I have all four wisdom teeth pretty much in, or I thought. I noticed that something was weird when I was chewing, and I think one of my wisdom teeth is missing! There’s a space where I swear my top right wisdom tooth was, and there’s a little bump like there’s a tooth coming in, but I swear I already had a wisdom tooth there. When my dentist was talking about whether or not I would need them taken out, he even mentioned that that one grew in crooked. Maybe it was loose and fell out, or I swallowed it or something, but I don’t see how that’s possible. I swear it wasn’t loose.
That spot in my mouth isn’t bleeding or anything, like it normally did when I lost childhood teeth when I was a kid. I take good care of my teeth, and I’ve never had a cavity.
Do you know what could have happened?
I’m sorry that this is such a weird thread, but I’m really confused, and I don’t know what to do.