Would you rather...

Pizza Planet Truck. (I’m a wimp. XD)

WYR not brush your hair for the rest of your life, or not brush your teeth for the rest of your life?

Not brush teeth. I would just use whitener and put vitamins and stuff on my teeth to keep them healthy. Basically, put the same stufff toothpaste is made out of on my teeth, so my teeth would be healthy and my hair would look nice.

Would you rather see The Bear and the Bow or Cars 2 win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. (Just a prediction. Please don’t say you haven’t seen either one of them, so you can’t decide).

Cars 2.
I don’t like the concept of The Bear and the Bow.

Would you rather go swimming in salt water after being cut up badly or eat a flaming bag of dog crap?

Go swimming in salt water after being cut up badly. Fire scares me, and the salt water would help heal the wounds.

Would you rather see The Incredibles 2 or Cars 2? (I think you all know what my answer would be :wink: !)

I have to agree with your unspoken answer :wink: and say The Incredibles 2. I’m not a big fan of Cars, anyway.

Would you rather…

paint your entire room solid BLACK or WHITE ?

Trick question…I’d have to say white. With curtains closed, it’d seem like night time with black. :open_mouth:

WYR be blind or deaf?

Deaf, because you can’t hear them mocking you for being deaf (trust me, at my school, people would do that. :unamused: )

WYR see Toy Story 3 and die the next day or see TS3, but go blind at the best part?

Blind at best part. I could still hear it! :laughing:

WYR watch TS3 right now or watch Cars 2 & Madagascar 3 & Day and night right now?

Toy Story 3 without a doubt.

Would you rather lick someone’s gross hairy mole or get struck by lightning?

Lick the mole. You’ll most definitely survive.

WYR watch Shrek 6: We’ve Run Out of Ideas or Cinderella 4: Blatant Moneymaking?

Cinderella 4. :laughing: At least it’s Disney! :unamused:

Uh… Hail-E didn’t post a question, so I’ll just start again. :slight_smile:

Would you rather ride Kevin or Toothless to get to school?

Oi, that’s hard… probably Toothless. My school’s really far away, and I dunno if Kevin could even go that far, seeing how she can’t fly xD

Would you rather like to draw like a master or write like a master?

Draw like a master!

Would you rather eat a big spoonfull of cinnamon or pepper?

Cinnamon. XD

Would you rather be super popular, or the person that nobody ever talks to?

Unless one is anti-social, choosing the former is a no-brainer. So yeah, I’d go with being super-popular as opposed to the one “nobody ever talks to.”

Would you rather be a Persian prince who can do nifty kung-fu tricks and reverse time, or an English bandit who has awesome marksmanship and gets to seduce Cate Blanchett?

Prince of Persia, because I get to be Jake Gyllenhaal :laughing:

WYR always be picked first for kickball, but suck or be pick last, but have a leg like David freaking Beckham.

Easy. My dignity may suffer, but at least I get to be the soccer team’s MVP. :slight_smile:

Who would win a staring contest: Lenny the binoculars or Wall-E? (Not really a ‘WYR’ question, but I think we can pose character bets… :wink:)

You probably know who I’m rooting for… :wink:

Would you rather:

A. Swin in a tub of cheese sauce

B. Jump Into a huge bowl of gelatin

B because I wouldn’t smell like cheese for days on end.

Who would win in a fight, Dug or Little Brother from Mulan?