You know what really grinds my gears?

Going to the bathroom a lot has been bothering me lately.

My grandmother has been in the rest home for over a year, and she is still not ready to leave.

I got my feet wet the other day over at my aunt’s house because the area was flooding. (That crazy weather!)

Oh, and I don’t know why, but lately I have noticed my Dad making his coffee–like, twice a day. And it smells horrible, because he never cleans his thing out. And why is it that whenever he melts butter for my popcorn, he prefers the microwave instead of the butter pan? Also, I am having a haunting memory of the past–from when he threw my donut out the car window on the way home from the farmers market because I was hungry and he told me not to eat it. Ugh! I really hate my Dad sometimes…

There’s a thread on another site where people post funny pictures. I look at it frequently and I usually enjoy it a lot.

But…for the second time now, someone posted a picture of a house fire with a caption that they think makes it “funny.” :imp:

It’s NOT funny!!! It’s NEVER funny!!! Nothing you can say will EVER make it funny. Caption or no caption, it’s still not funny. It’s horrible.

I have a major phobia of fire. I’ve had this fear for over 10 years.

It totally demeans the feelings of anyone who’s been in one or is scared of it. It’s very painful either way.

I saw a real fire in person for the first time about a month ago that I wasn’t even involved in, and I’m STILL trying to recover from the shock and pain, and there’s someone who laughs at a picture like that and shares it on the internet.

It’s just disgusting. :imp:

All this commercialism at Christmas time. :frowning: I know a lot of people don’t see it as Jesus’s birthday and prefer to ignore that aspect, but there’s still no need for all the Black Friday and buying way too many toys for kids who don’t even understand what it means to give. What a bunch of garbage.

Home video releases that have a lot of extra features, but a lot of it starts to repeat information already seen after you’ve watched two or three.

Mom recently told me that the world is getting sick these days.

Something like that.

Amy: I can totally feel you on that one, one time my parents thought it would be ok to drive past a house that belonged to someone they knew that had caught fire and largely collapsed, and I cried on the way home, lol. I wish more people could grasp why it’s so upsetting. :neutral_face:

I feel the same. I understand stores gotta sell but it just feels so cheap and insincere, and completely unlike the meaning of Christmas. Black Friday is gross.

Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s terrible. :cry:

There was a fire at a small business my dad went to once in awhile, and today we were driving home, and when he started turning by the train track, I was thinking “Oh gosh, where are we going??? Do we have to go this way?” He didn’t drive right by it, but on the street that crosses with it, and he looked back. I knew he was looking at it.

It seems like it’s everywhere. There’s a house like that on one of the main roads to leave my grandma’s town, and now there’s another one on the way to one of the most fun places in the world, and I’m pretty sure it’s right by the road.

People are shipping Elsa and Hans now. Seriously? Really? I hate the Disney fandom. I give up. Probably the same crowd that’s into Belle/Gaston and Frollo/Esmeralda. Way to completely miss the point of the movie, guys. Great film comprehension. Also shipping Frollo with anybody is disgusting and perverted. Ok thanks.

I know I rant on this topic a lot, but GROSS. People really know how to ruin something with a stupid trend such as shipping. People say the Harry Potter fandom is demented, they should just dip a toe in the Disney fandom!


Yeah, it’s really annoying.

I especially don’t like it when people write stories and they make an official character do something they totally wouldn’t do. Like how someone made a story where my crush [spoil]went out with a married woman and had kids with her.[/spoil] :imp: He’s a very traditional guy. I’m 99.9% sure [spoil]he would believe in waiting for marriage.[/spoil]

That’s the kind of thing why fandom in general grinds my gears.

It’s the same for most franchises.

Yes, joining communities can be great, except that…

Amy: omg that is gross! I agree, when people have characters defying their own morals, it’s bad.


I’m glad someone agrees.

I don’t want to read fanfiction anymore. I never really did exactly. I just glanced at a few while looking for fan art (which I should stop looking for too).

There are some…interesting ones. There was one involving my crush where someone was alive who was supposed to be dead, someone who was alive who wasn’t supposed to be born for many years, and something happened that was…not possible, 8D and if it was, the timeline was totally off. And there was the whole [spoil]outside marriage[/spoil] thing again.

I can’t breathe right now because I’m laughing so hard, and my mom is sitting near me trying to read a book, which somehow makes it even more funny. 8D

I’ll tell you what’s making me grind my gears right now:

There is a spam problem in the Other Disney forums! :angry:

evspixarfan- I’ve contacted some moderators about it, so hopefully they’ll respond soon. :slight_smile:

I’ve already hit the report button on some of the spam posts.

People who want the media to raise their kids for them, and then complain about “bad messages” that only an adult would notice.

^That’s such a good point. It’s one thing to complain about the state of today’s children’s media in general, but it’s fairly easy (as far as I’m concerned) to monitor what your very young child is getting into. You can keep them away from things you dislike if you want! :unamused:

I am basically beginning to see a big problem in the so-called “greeting cards” which I’ve been telling Mom about as of lately in terms of what I’ve been referring to as a “marketing stereotype”. Something like that.

I think finding cards for people is hard, especially if you don’t know them really well.

They are so specific that it’s hard to find a general birthday one or something.

Well, of course they’re too specific! My problem with greeting cards is that they’re always targeting certain characters only to certain genders and certain age range. In fact, I’ve never actually gotten any Pixar-related greeting card at all! Why? Because they only target to young boys. (And I’m a girl.) It always seems like they never pay any attention to the individual differences!

And I do know a perfectly good example of why this has become a problem to me:

A few years back, I saw a greeting card with WALL-E on it. Unfortunately, I was unable to get it due to its being targeted only to young boys at a very young age. And now I’m frustrated because of that!

So basically, I really need to find a way out of this trap…I would at least like to try and have a Pixar-related greeting card just this once!

What’s grinding my gears right now: My Dad’s loud, repetitive ringtone–plus his “coffee twice a day” thing