You know what really grinds my gears?

Two types of personalities annoy me:

Adults that dislike children. Just because some children can do annoying things, doesn’t mean you should dislike them. Children are people, too.

Children that dislike adults. Just because some adults can do annoying things, doesn’t mean you should dislike them. Adults are people, too.

To comment on “Children/Adults are people to.” I want to say:
Adults that make fun of kids, teasing them in public, like they won’t be embarrassed. They don’t seem to realize that WE HAVE FEELINGS.
Kids that act like adults have to sit on the sidelines, especially if the parents are divorced or widowed and they act like their not aloud to date.

No. They’re not.

It’s like, scientifically proven or something. Children have more monkey DNA than human DNA until they reach the age of 18, when they magically turn into humans.

Yes. That means that I’m a monkey too.

K, Ms. Smarty-Pants :-D), but we still are living, breathing humans with intellects greater than monkeys (or atleast, most do :wink:)

When a person says, “Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?” when you just met that person. Then they text/e-mail you repeatedly with the same question after you’ve just said no.

That reminds me. There was this website called Club Penguin that all my friends went on, and people would come up to you in their little animated penguins and ask you to be their BF/GF. One time a girl friended me and started calling me “Honey” because she thought I was a guy.

I’ve heard of that site, my brother and cousin have been on there before. What you said though is just plain funny. :stuck_out_tongue: Did you tell that person that your not a guy?

LG: :question: :question: :question: You’re freaky. :laughing: jk
Rac: That’s hilarious! :laugh: Penguins doing that would scare me (yeah, Happy Feet scared me rofl)
Dude: I make that mistake all the time.

Of course! Then she got mad and took me off her friend list. Honestly, why would you want a relationship where you know each other by names like coolpersonsomethingorother?

Ha ha yeah! Funny story Rachel.

One other thing I don’t get is those “Baby on Board” signs in cars. What am I supposed to do after reading that sign? What do they mean? Am I supposed to be a careful driver around them because they have a baby in their car? I’m a pretty careful driver anyway! I don’t need a sign to tell me to be careful not to crash into your car because, I don’t know, I value my car and life regardless! “Oh, I think I’ll go and purposefully crash into that car because I don’t like the way they are driving. Hold on. What’s that…? Oh, it’s a ‘Baby on Board’ sign, I better not ram that car then, like I was going to do.” :confused:


Make sense rachelcakes, it could be a comedy act. :laughing:

After I’ve seen this post for the very first time, it’s been bugging me that I actually couldn’t think of anything. But I finally did!! HOORAH.

You know when you explain a situation to someone and it seems as though you kind of expect a sypathetic answer, but the other person seems completely sarcastic? I mean, in my case, most of the time when this happens, whatever I’m explaining isn’t really that important, so the response I get back is usually well diserved. :laughing: But I absolutely cannot stand when people reply with a: “OHhh, MUFFIN.” in a very sarcastic voice. Hate it. Wish it wasn’t invented. :angry:

But then there’d be another word, like cake.

But cake’s better than muffins! :laughing:

I hate something similar to that, when your telling a story and the person is pretending to listen, but you can tell their not. I have a friend who doesn’t even look at you when your talking to her. She just stares into space. One time I was talking to her, and then she walked away. Just like that!

Another thing I was discussing with my sisters yesterday is how people can be so nosey! If you have a zit, people will be like “Whats on your FACE?.” It’s really annoying! We never ask someone about something on their body because we don’t want to offend them.

people who expect me to agree with them before even letting me tell them what i think…that drives me nuts.

In other words “being controlled”

I know, what right do they have to pick on people about things that EVERYBODY faces at some point?

Wow, I’m on this topic a lot. A lot of things annoy me, I guess.

When people assume that more childish things can’t be fun to do when your older. I’m not even that old, just going into middle school, and already people have to go out on dates and watch adult films and TV shows, pretty much throwing their childhood away! I can’t even talk to my cousin thats my age anymore, he isn’t into any of the stuff I’m still into, so normally now I talk to my 9 year old cousin because she still likes cartoons, kids movies and is not all boy-crazy like a lot of my friends. I only have a few friends I can talk to about things like virtual pets and, yes, Pixar. sigh I think I’m always gonna be pretty childish, and, you know, I’m just fine with that.

Rac_Rules - Take it from me. Don’t try to force yourself to grow up too quickly. You’ll mature at your own pace. Even though there is only 10 years’ difference between me and kids today, I notice that a lot of them act way older than they really are. Being an adult is cool, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be… Just enjoy the age you are now - I bet you’ll look back on the age you are now and think “why was I so hard on myself for still doing [XYZ] at age 13 (or whatever age)?” And some people, like me, never grow out of toys, cartoons, being silly, video games and other ‘childish’ stuff like that, so don’t worry and just enjoy all the things you like doing. :wink: