Your Animated Film Ideas

For some reason, I immediately pictured Alan Rickman as the caterpillar, but I only really know the one from the Disney version, singing about the vowels, heheh.

I would love to see an animated realization of ā€œAround the World in 80 Daysā€ in 2d. It has such a great storyline Iā€™m surprised it hasnā€™t been tried before.

That sounds like a good idea Balto123. And welcome to Pixar planet by the way.

Iā€™ve had this idea for quite some time; itā€™s very different and, in my opinion, very ambitious.

It is a PG-13 animated musical film with violence, cursing (hopefully not too much, I donā€™t want to go overboard), and will be made for teenage audiences.

Iā€™ve thought of a great title, I think. The title of the film is Shup Up and Sing. Funny thing though, after I came up with it, I discovered that that is already the title of a Dixie Chicks album and documentary film. So, unless I can find a good lawyer, Iā€™ll have to pay them royalties. :laughing:

I have a few ideas i have been coming up with.

As far as 3d animation goes, i thought itā€™d be cool to have a ā€œcandyā€ theme. Kind of like Toy Story but when candy comes to life at night when the shop keeper closes the store, and candy like gummy bears/worms, bazooka joe, Zebra Stripes etc comes to life. I thought that could be a cool idea for a movie.

As of 2d, ive always been a fan of monkeys, so i thought a show featured in a zoo where the animals actually think they are in their real habitats, and they are confused by tourists etc. more of a nickelodeon type theme.


Well, this isnā€™t really a story but an idea. Iā€™ve never seen a 3-D animated Spy movie before. You may think it would be pretty stupid when you could easily do it in live action, but thatā€™s what I thought about The Incredibles, superheroes animated? But it actually turned out awesome! If anyone has to make a spy animated movie, it has to be Pixar! Theyā€™re the only ones who would be able to make it a good story and somehow whatever happens in the story is a good excuse to make it animated. It just came to mind the other day, what hasnā€™t been done? And then I looked through my DVDs and saw Get Smart and I thought HA! THATā€™S IT :exclamation:

Someone should do an animated movie for Redwallā€¦I do know that someone from England is going to be making it in 2011?? i Thinkā€¦someone like Disney or Dreamworks (lets pray not them) should really look at doing this book.

An idea that me and my brother had a couple of years ago was for an animated movie called ā€œPicturesā€

Itā€™s basically about A bunch of valuable art breaking out of The Louvre in france to live with a little girl who came to see them. I think itā€™s supposed to be set around a time when these famous pieces of art are no longer cherished and respected as they used to be. Being put somewhere in the corner somewhere to collect dust as the newer art is hailed and such. Of course, the museum folk only start to care about the Art when it goes on its little adventure, which could quite possibly be a message in itself about society and the appreciation of classic art, cinema, music, etc.

I think itā€™s got potential to be something really good, so every month i try and persuade my brother to start working on it with me :laughing:

Not that i want to toot my own hornā€¦

I have a few very rough concepts for films that I had to come up with for my screenwriting class, and Iā€™m having trouble picking which one I should use for my featue length script, so I was wondeirng if anyone wanted to weigh in and tell me whihc one sounds like a good movie, or a movie they would want to watch. Kepp in mind they are just rough concepts.

One is a buddy comedy with two characters who are basically Kari and Mr. Dicker from The Incredibles. They are forced to travel cross-country.

One is a a fairly standard fantasy/heroā€™s journey movie, about a kid who is prophesized to save the kingdom, except the kid doesnā€™t want to do this at all.

The last one I have developed past the concept phase, but the story will center around a kid and hsi family who runs a classic diner/dive. Nothing else past that yet.

Iā€™ve had an idea for an animated movie in my head for a long time now. Itā€™s called ā€˜Shatteredā€™.
I wonā€™t spell the whole idea out, in case it gets stolen, but basically itā€™s about a boy and a girl who, during a certain ā€˜incidentā€™, discover that the line between ā€˜fantasyā€™ and ā€˜realityā€™ is a real place. They discover damage in the place, where certain aspects of ā€˜fantasyā€™ (hollywood-style 'beauty, for example) have bled over the line and have become firmly planted in reality. There is an accident, and the line between fantasy and reality is almost completely destroyed. The boy gets flung into fantasy, which reality has slipped into, and the girl has fallen back into reality, which fantasy has slipped into. Itā€™s up to the boy and the girl, with the help of an old author who regularily walks the line between fantasy and reality, to return things to the proper order.

Well, what do you think? Personally, Iā€™ve always thought of doing the film in ā€˜Hayao Miyazakiā€™ type animated style. (I adore his movies.)


Sound Anime-ish to meā€¦ you can keep your ideas, thats not my cup of tea :smiley:

Ill keep the thickness of my good ideas to myself, because ill be an animation student in like 6 months, and ill execute my ideas, rather than give them out to strangers. :smiley:

I mean come one, what if Andrew Stanton would of told the wrong guy about Toy Story???

Exactly. :smiley:

Hereā€™s a story I actually have the chance to animate for my stop motion animation class this semester.

This is based off of a story my friend and I came up with our freshman year of high school (5 years ago). We came up with a character named Wiggles, who is a penguin rat. Basically she is a penguin but has rat like features, like a long nose with whiskers and a long tail. She is shunned by the other penguins because she is different. After a few failed attempts, she goes up on the edge a cliff to cry and then one of the ā€˜normalā€™ penguins push her over the edge. They all celebrate. This is where the story original ends, but I added on to the ending. As the penguins celebrate, they hear a honk, turn around, and see Wiggles flying up above them. Their beaks hang open in astonishment. My prof had a funny idea where Wiggles beckons them to join her and they do and fall off the cliff became they canā€™t fly. I think Iā€™ll just leave it with the penguins in shock; let the audience make a conclusion themselvesā€¦ unless I have extra time. :slight_smile:

Make sure you post linkage to your stop motion peice when its done. :slight_smile:

For sure! Itā€™ll be a couple months though!

well im not going anywhere, so take your time! By then i might even be in art school myself! :sunglasses:

Do you guys know the ā€œLife and Timesā€ series by the fabulous Don Rosa, where he tells Scrooge McDuckā€™s lifetime story in 12 (plus some extra) episodes?
The are brilliantly written and drawn. Very good humor, excellent storytelling, both heartwarming and a good laugh.

Plus, Don Rosa wrote several great Duck stories.

THATā€™S just predestined material for a mini TV series. Letā€™s sayā€¦ 12 Episodes for Life and Times, each 90 to 120 minutes long.

Who could do the voices?
Alan Young should do Scrooge, of course. Or Scrooges father.
Billy Connolly would be great, too. Maybe he could do a younger Scrooge? Love the accent!

Iā€™d love to reunite Ernie Saballa, Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick.
Ian McShane as Blackheart Beagle.
Leah Remini and Fran Drescher as Scrooges sisters, Mathilda and Hortense.

But I am actually unsure how to treat Donaldā€¦
The classic difference between comic-book Donald and animated Donald is, of course, the way he talks. We must find a solution for this, and I think itā€™ll be worth the thought to drop the Clarence-Nash-style for an epic mini-tv-seriesā€¦ But here and there, for example when Donald throws a tantrum, we could get back to that.
Letā€™s try Denis Leary
as Donald. They both know how to #@~!!#

And, of course, because I had the idea, I want a little part somewhere. Iā€™d doā€¦ hmā€¦ one of the Beagle Boys perhaps, or the Mayor of Duckburgā€¦ No, someone closer to Scrooge. Teddy Roosevelt? Buffalo Bill? Hehe, donā€™t really know.

Help me, guys, who should do the voices?

Letā€™s make it Widescreen, Surround Sound, HD. I wouldnā€™t mind a direct-to-Blu-Ray release.

John Lasseter, are you listeningā€¦?
If I hit the lottery, Iā€™ll come by your office and weā€™ll discuss details.



dude already been done its a movie called mr magoriums magical emporium jesusā€¦ :unamused:

that would be cool

ā€¦ hmmā€¦ how bout a dog who cant smell!

an his owners get angry an den they give him a nose tranplant! :sunglasses:


Anyone want to help out a screenwriter and breed some life into this thread?

I have tried to get a hold of a couple people on here but I donā€™t think anyone answers their mail.

Oh, boy. You have no ideaā€¦ I just re-read the books and oh gosh, that was the first thing that popped my head. An animation based on Don Rosaā€™s illustrations, with all the little tiny details. Rosaā€™s story is so sad that I thought it would make an awesome gift for him, to thank him for his hard work. But putting Rosa aside, the story of Scroogeā€™s, is so so so touching. I donā€™t think that very many people realize(especially in the states) why Scrooge is the way he is, or how he became the way he is. His story is so moving and I think it would be a gold mine, if it was made into a full-length movie.