Your favorite films from 2010

IV: Toy Story 3 isn’t number one for you? :confused:

  1. Toy Story 3
  2. The King’s Speech
  3. Tangled
  4. Inception
  5. The Social Network

I thought the Social Network was good, but not excellent. But hey, that’s just me. I’m rooting for the King’s Speech at the Oscars

Nope. It comes to a very close #2. I wanted more. It was too sad, and…wait, I shouldn’t rant again. I’ve been yelled at enough for that. 8D Anyway, I do love the movie. In fact, it might be more of a tie. I’d have to watch it and HtTYD side-by-side to choose. Dragons just pleasabtly surprised me more. Most of the surprise in TS3 were things I didn’t want.

Most people say that How To Train Your Dragon is dreamworks best film, but they also have Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, they are good too, CR wasn’t develop by dreamworks, but they bought the rights and they distribuited CR in the USA, on the other hand W&G was produced by DreamWorks Animation and Aardman Features, and released by DreamWorks Pictures.
their best films (imo) aren’t from them

I haven’t seen those Aardman movies. I’ll have to look for them.

Ah, okay, that makes total sense.

I also really love Despicable Me and Alice(don’t shoot!!!).

1.) HtTYD/TS3(just imagine I said whichever you like better 8D )
2.) Despicable Me
3.)Alice in Wonderland(hold your fire!!)

^ 8D TS3 for me then

So true! Aardman, a group of geniuses. I often forget they helped produce Chicken Run. They are most excellent. :sunglasses:

And most people here. 8D

You can say that again. it was for me.

I am in too, TS3#1

yeah, you know what I mean

you should watch them, they are really nice

I’ll watch them if I can get my hands on them. :slight_smile:

Out of all of the 2010 movies, I think I have seen TS3 the most.

from the 2010 films released, the ones I’ve seen the the most are: (theater and home)

Inception: 7 (theater: 4; home: 3)
Toy Story 3: 6 (theater: 3; home: 3)
TRON Legacy: 3 (theater: 3)

Kick Ass: 3 (theater: 1; home: 2)
The Social Network: 2 (theater: 1; home: 1)
Black Swan: 2 (theater: 2)
Tangled: 2 (theater: 2)
Shutter Island: 2 (theater: 1; home 1)
HTTYD: 2 (theater: 1; home: 1)
Harry Potter 7.1: 2 (theater: 2)
Alice: 2 (theater: 1; home: 1)

For me:

Despicable Me(10)
Alice in Wonderland(4)

Yeah, puny list. :frowning:

TS3 is the only 2010 movie that i’ve seen more than once, but I hope to up the number count for Inception very soon.

I watch it about twice a week, because I’m trying to get more comfortable with it. I watch HtTYD about twice a week for the score and the Flying Scene with Astrid. <3 I feel like a terrible movie fan. I have yet to see The King’s Speech, Tangled, Inception, or Black Swan. :cry:

The only movie from 2010 I’ve seen more than once in theaters is Toy Story 3. But I watched Scott Pilgrim a bunch of times on DVD and will probably pick up The Social Network soon.

I didn’t see anything in theaters more than once. That’s crazy expensive!