Your favourite Movie scores

Exactly. I kind of thought that they were there for the younger audiances. You know, they probably wouldn’t be interested in watching a serious movie.

Yeah. I hate them, especially Hugo. :unamused:

Yep, I agree. If they weren’t in the film, then parents would of been complaning that the film was too violent and dark for children. That’s probably why the sequel was totally different then the original film.

That’s true I suppose.

Yep. You probably know what I think of that sequel by now. :wink: Besides, I think were getting a bit off topic.

Yes. I’ll shut up now.

my favorite score would have to be the one for “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. Its just…so epic! I love this piece of music that opens the film: … re=related

^Oh, thats a pretty decent piece :slight_smile:
As terrible as Mars Needs Moms was, I can’t stop listening to the Martian Mambo :mrgreen:

I think the score for The Princess and the Frog is pretty decent.

I loved this and Hellfire the best, because they really reveal what a serious and mature movie Hunchback is.

Exactly!! And they are great character songs. They show how selfless Esmeralda is, and how insane Frollo arguably is.

I agree. It really explains to us some of the character traits they have. Hellfire has to be one of my favorite Disney songs in any of their films. I just loved how dark it was and Frollo saying one of my favorite lines in the movie was good. I was always confused with what those red hooded guys were. I know they were singing in Latin but I never got what they really were.

I think they represent a judge and jury to Frollo.

That makes some sense IV.

I adore the Prince of Egypt score.

New addition to my list: Hugo

I’m not even a big Howard Shore fan, even though he’s a rather popular composer, but his work in this movie was brilliant and perfect. Very French, very moving, and sometimes catchy as well. Look up the soundtrack on YouTube!

^^ Hugo is definetly one of my favorites, and i like how the music was titled after the chapters from the original book. (has anyone else read it by the way? Its really good :slight_smile: )

anyway, heres another addition to my list; Finding Nemo. And not just because its Pixar. The music is just beautiful and i like how it mixes in different sounds and instruments.

Wow! That is really cool!

I agree. Just coz I’m a bit of a Thomas Newman fangirl.
I love the Arthur Christmas score :wink:

Me too! “Dash Away” is probably my favorite piece.