Your Pixar Movies Classification

Here my list

  1. Finding Nemo
  2. Monsters Inc
  3. Toy Story 2
  4. The Incredibles
  5. Ratatouille
  6. A Bug’s Life
  7. Toy Story
  8. Cars

Soon to be on the list WALL-E

  1. Ratatouille
  2. Toy Story films
  3. A Bug’s Life
  4. Finding Nemo
  5. The Incredibles
  6. Monsters Inc.
  7. Cars
    (I still like Cars)

I predict that Wall-E will earn second place once I see it.

  1. Finding Nemo (even though I’m having a major phase for Ratatouille right now, this one is my fave fave. :smiley: The fact that I’m a marine biology freak probably helps)
  2. Ratatouille & Cars (seriously, I can’t decide between the two for this place) :laughing:
  3. A Bug’s Life
  4. Monsters, Inc.
  5. Toy Story
  6. Toy Story 2 (couldn’t decide which Toy movie would come first, but you can’t just refute the classics. :wink:
  7. The Incredibles
  1. Ratatouille
  2. Cars
  3. A Bug’s Life
  4. The Incredibles
  5. Toy Story 2
  6. Finding Nemo
  7. Toy Story
    :sunglasses: Monsters, Inc.

The above list is uncertain, although I am certain either Cars or Ratatouille is my favorite.

I’d like to see TSS post his list.

Dude, i just realized that ever since this topic was put up, I never got a chance to post my list. Well, here it goes.

1: The Incredibles
2: Ratatouille
3: Cars
4: Finding Nemo
5: A Bug’s Life
6: Toy Story 2
7: Toy Story
8: Monsters Inc.

With WALL-E already released? To all of those who watched it? Where does WALL-E fall under out of the nine Pixar releases.

Hard to say having only seen it once and the others so many times. But it is definitely high up there.


  1. Finding Nemo
  2. Wall-E
  3. Ratatouille
  4. The Incredibles
  5. Toy Story 2
  6. Monster’s Inc
  7. Bug’s Life
  8. Cars
  9. Toy Story

The first three are kind of questionable. :confused:

Here is my updated list:

1. Ratatouille
3. Finding Nemo
4. Toy Story 2
5. The Incredibles
6. Toy Story
7. Monsters, Inc.
8. A Bug’s Life
9. Cars

In my book, nothing ever has and nothing ever will replace Ratatouille as the holder of the top spot (in my book anyway). As beautiful as WALL-E is, the only thing preventing it from earning its title as my favorite Pixar feature film to date is… Ratatouille. Nothing can mirror that masterpiece.

– Mitch

Well, I kinda updated my list. I can see that I have a way different opinion than others, but here it goes.

1: The Incredibles
2: Ratatouille
3: Cars
4: Finding Nemo
5: A Bug’s Life
6: Toy Story 2
7: Toy Story
8: Monsters Inc

I know, WALL-E and Pixar hit one out of the ball park once again, but not for me.

not having seen Wall-e or Toy Story 2 yet, (my darn sisters who wanted to see it have so much to do!) this is my list-

  1. Finding Nemo
  2. Ratatouille
  3. The Incredibles
  4. Cars
  5. Toy story
  6. Monsters Inc.
  7. A Bug’s Life

all of them are great, and i havent seen all of bugs life and the parts i saw i saw when i was like, seven, and the last time i saw toy story i was like, six.

man, i need to get with it.

  1. Ratatouille
  2. WALL-E
  3. Both Toy Story’s
  4. A Bug’s Life
  5. Finding Nemo
  6. The Incredibles
  7. Monsters Inc.
    :sunglasses: Cars

Here are my personal favorites:

  1. Monsters, Inc.
  2. WALL-E
  3. Finding Nemo
  4. Ratatouille
  5. The Incredibles
  6. Toy Story 2
  7. Toy Story
    8 & 9 alt.) A Bug’s Life, Cars
    There really is no last place in my list I love them all. It just depends on my emotional favorites and what topped what.
    For example Toy Story, Toy Story 2 and A Bug’s Life were my childhood favorites, but you know how Pixar is, they can top excellent films.

1. Ratatouille
3. Finding Nemo
4. Monsters, Inc.
5. The Incredibles
6. Toy Story
7. Toy Story 2
8. A Bugs Life
9. Cars

In actuality, Ratatouille and WALL-E are tied. WALL-E was like nothing I had ever seen before, and is truly incredible. But I’m with Mitch, Ratatouille pulls off the victory by a whisker (hehe) only because I was able to connect completely with Remy and is conflict. Don’t get me wrong, I was able to connect with WALL-E too, but Remy’s story just KABOOM!ed and ZAP!ed (what would you call that flavor?) me.

Finding Nemo brought me to the wide world of Pixar, and Monsters, Inc. was an absolute blast.

The Incredibles is an awesome movie, but it didn’t really speak to me as much as the movies above.

Toy Story and its sequel are really pretty much tied. I don’t know which one to put ahead of the other only because it has been years since I’ve seen either (I don’t have a VCR anymore…).

A Bugs Life and Cars, while at the bottom of the list, are still great movies. Heimlech will always hold a place in my heart. Both land somewhere in my top 75 movies, definitely. But you have to pick movies in last, and, unfortunately, those guys make the cut.

Although I really should watch Cars again… I haven’t seen it in a while either… rents off of iTunes

My List:

  1. Toy Story
  2. Finding Nemo
  3. Toy Story 2
  4. Wall-e
  5. Ratatouille
  6. The Incredibles
  7. Monster’s Inc.
  8. Cars
  9. A Bug’s Life

Wow, WALL-E seems to have shot to the top of a lot of lists of members here.

  1. WALL-E
  2. Ratatouille
  3. The Incredibles
  4. Monsters, Inc.

Let’s just say that’s my top 4. Because I really love all the Pixar films, and I can’t really say there is a bad film. My top 4 definitely go to those titles above. It’s even difficult to decide which of those 4 are better than one another, because they’re all close to each other for how awesome they are (To me).

The other five films are awesome too, but I think I can easily rank those 4 higher. I’ve had my obsessions with all nine movies at different times (Watching each one at least a million times and still loving it), so that’s all that matters.

1.) The Incredibles
2.) Ratatouille
3.) WALL-E (With time, WALL-E might beat Ratatouille on my ranking)
4.) Finding Nemo
5.) Monsters, Inc.
6.) Toy Story 2
7.) Toy Story
8.) Cars
9.) A Bug’s Life

This is my new, unofficial Pixar rank list. I still cannot decide if WALL-E ranks above or below Ratatouille. Not only is it top filmmaking, it’s got everything I want in a good film–plus a message that defines my philosophy in life. But I loved Ratatouille so much it’s hard to give up the #2 spot to any film, even WALL-E! I have an irk that I like WALL-E more, though.

Here’s some other things I noticed about my ranking:

I seem to have clumped my Pixar films together by director. My Top 2 are still both Brad Bird films, my Top 3 and 4 are Andrew Stanton Films, then the lone Pete Docter film in the middle, and the four John Lasseter films at the bottom. It’s hard to explain why this may be. I think that Bird and Stanton films are just the most ambitious and most detailed storytelling of the Pixar films.

I hate to put Cars in my #8 spot, but after further consideration, despite my love for it in the beginning, it’s not as timeless as I thought it would be. I think it has the most “child friendly screenplay” of the Pixar films. I still love it a lot though.

Oh yeah, The Incredibles is #1 simply because it’s the best film of all time. Who could disagree to that?

Oh yeah TheIncredible! Amen to that! No matter what (or maybe until TI2 Comes out) This will always be my favorite Pixar movie. NO other film can impact my life the way TI did.