Your Pixar Movies Classification

2. Finding Nemo.
3. Wall-E.
4. Toy Story 2.
5. Toy Story.
6. Monster’s Inc.
7. Cars.
8. A Bug’s Life.
9. The Incredibles.
10. Ratatouille

  1. Toy Story
  2. Everything else

My Rankings and Reasons:

  1. UP: Well I’ve already seen it 5 times… :open_mouth:
  2. Wall-E: I’m speechless
  3. A Bug’s Life: I can’t watch this without laughing
  4. Toy Story: It’s creativness
  5. Monsters, Inc.: Very enjoyable
  6. Ratatouille: Cute.
  7. Cars: It was the only movie we had at my dad’s house, so me and my sister watched it all the time.
  8. The Incredibles: Felt like it was really long
  9. Finding Nemo: Saw it too many times when it came out and just got plain sick of it
  10. Toy Story 2: Jessie’s voice. Great song though

Finally UP is on the list. :smiley: Please don’t quote if you think it’s too low on my list. {I really liked it despite how low it was on my list.}

  1. Toy Story 2
  2. Toy Story
  3. WALL-E
  4. Ratatouille
  5. Finding Nemo
  6. UP
  7. Monsters Inc.
  8. The Incredibles
  9. Cars
  10. A Bug’s Life

Coming Soon the list: Toy Story 3!!! :smiley: :slight_smile: :mrgreen: :frowning: <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" /> ;-o

Edit: I switched Monsters inc., and UP. :wink: And then Finding Nemo, and Monsters inc. Then Monsters Inc., and the Incredibles. And lastly Finding Nemo with Up. Oh wait Then Cars with A Bug’s Life. :wink:

Might as well update mine now that Up is out.
2)Finding Nemo
4)Monsters Inc.
5)The Incredibles
6)A Bug’s Life
7)Toy Story 2
:sunglasses:Toy Story
10)A Bug’s Life

This thread is pretty long, and so I don’t have time to go through the whole thing right now, but let me know if you ranked your Pixar films in the same order as I do, as I’d love to find the one person (or two!) in the world who sees Pixar the way I see it. :smiley:

  1. The Incredibles A
  2. Finding Nemo A
  3. Toy Story A
  4. Up A
  5. WALL-E A
  6. Ratatouille A
  7. Cars A-
  8. Monsters, Inc. A-
  9. Toy Story 2 A-
  10. A Bug’s Life B+

I’m actually considering switching WALL-E with Ratatouille, but not just yet…

Well ultimatedjf, I’ll tell you that probably only one movie on your list fits with mine. You and I both put The Incredibles at the number 1 spot. However, I would give The Incredibles an A+ instead of an A. :unamused:

I`d give them ALL A++!

1. Ratatouille
2. Up
4. Finding Nemo
5. Toy Story 2
6. Toy Story
7. The Incredibles
8. Monsters, Inc.
9. A Bug’s Life
10. Cars

Ratatouille isn’t going anywhere, otherwise… Up would have taken the number one spot. Brad Bird’s genius directing skills aside, it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen a film that charming. (And, no, I didn’t love it that much just because of Russell. Heheh.)

– Mitch

It’s interesting to see how high up Up is on people’s lists! It seems to be in the top half in the majority of cases, always a good sign! I just can’t see it beating Toy Story, Monsters, Inc. or WALL-E in my own personal preferences, but I’ll see it first before deciding where it’s going to go on my list.

Mitch- Oooh, I was wondering if Up was gonna make the top spot for you, considering your love of a certain character! :laughing: Sounds like it was a hard decision to make.

lizardgirl - Ha-ha! Yeah, it was a pretty close finish. Up almost took the top spot. Seriously, it’s a fantastic production. You’re gonna love it. :wink:

– Mitch

Here is my new classification as of seeing Up went and changed everything.

  1. Up
  2. Finding Nemo
  3. Ratatouille
  4. Cars
  5. Incredibles
  6. Monsters Inc.
  7. Toy Storey 1 and 2
  8. Bugs Life

I really love all of them though. :smiley:

First post. be gentle…

  1. Wall-E- no contest for me.
  2. Finding Nemo - maybe the funniest Pixar film…
  3. Incredibles - surely the most exhilirating
  4. Monsters, Inc. - kitty…
  5. Ratatouille - I love Remy…
  6. Up - I liked it a tad less the 2nd time which is unusual for me…
  7. Toy Story 2 - The first movie my son fell in love with at the theater.
  8. Toy Story - still holds up today because of the story.
  9. A Bug’s Life - Francis kills me…
  10. Cars - Mater is the greater.

It’s fun to rank these, but I do love all ten films and anyone will hit the spot depending on what mood I am.


Welcome, GregM. A fellow newbie salutes you. I might as well post my favorites…shouldn’t I?

  1. Up
  2. Wall-E
  3. Ratatouille
  4. Toy Story
  5. Cars
  6. The Incredibles
  7. Monsters, Inc.
  8. Toy Story 2
  9. Finding Nemo
  10. A Bug’s Life

This list was very hard ; ;

though the reason why A Bug’s Life is 10…I forgot everything in that movie. Ha. I love it but I’ve only seen it like…three times?

Finding Nemo got on my nerves because EVERYONE at my school quoted Dory all the time. q_q [/b]

  1. Up [even though i haven’t see it yet]
  2. Ratatouille
  3. Finding Nemo
  4. WALL.E
  5. Monsters, Inc.
  6. Toy Story 1 & 2
  7. The Incredibles
  8. A Bug’s Life
  9. Cars

Time to update this!

  1. Toy Story
  2. WALL-E
  3. Monsters, Inc.
  4. Finding Nemo
  5. Toy Story 2
  6. Up
  7. The Incredibles
  8. A Bug’s Life
  9. Cars
  10. Ratatouille

Lizardgirl:Ratatouille at 10? :open_mouth:

LightningandSally- Well, yep, it is my least favourite Pixar film. :laughing: Obviously it’s a very good film as a movie in itself and in comparison to all other movies that I’ve seen, but on a Pixar list I just don’t think it’s as good as…well, all of their other films I guess!

I think Ratatouille was probably Pixar’s riskiest film to date, I mean grumpy old guys mixed with annoying kids just seems like a formula for absolute hilarity. As for a rat that controls a cook by pulling his hair, it’s just so incredibly obscure. The film is fantastic, but so incredibly out there, when it comes to it’s core mechanic.

That’s where Pixar shines though, they take a concept, such as ambition despite limitations, and puts it in the craziest situation and setting, but pulls so much out of it. My love for Ratatouille comes from the characters, I can relate to a few of them, most of all Linguni, and the story I think is very well streamlined.

I think it’s Remy that kills it for me…Though I’m not going to go down that path in case I end up with a bunch of people outside my house waving around pitchforks and torches. :laughing: