You've got WALL•E fever when...

You talk your little brother into putting the DVD of the film on so you’ll have an excuse to watch it, and you hum along to Hello, Dolly in the style of Wall-E’s voice.

I love doing that. hums ^^

:smiley: I do, too! I always hum it like he does whenever that part of the movie comes on!! It’s soooo cute!!! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

little chef

Me three! I sometimes hum like WALL•E when writing something WALL•E related or when I try to look for “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” on Napster.

You know you still have WALL•E fever when you look back over your writings from the past year and realize almost all of them have to do with WALL•E, somehow; whether they’re actual fanfictions or stories based off characters from the movie. :blush: I didn’t really have anything original to put in my school portfolio this year as a result. :blush:

little chef

Did you really do this? :open_mouth:

Yeah. It looks like BK’s costume for Auto on deviantart. :smiley:

Wow! That’s cool. :wink:

You know you’ve still got WALL•E fever when you’re continually coming up with ideas for a WALL•E-inspired TV show you’re writing, and you listen to “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” to help spark your imagination.

You know you have Wall-E fever when…

Andrew Stanton is your favorite director.
You have all the Star Wars movies because Ben Burtt did some of the sounds in it.
Your Wall-E disc is one of your most prized possesions and you can’t go anywhere without it.
You and you only are allowed to even touch the box your Wall-E disc is in.
R2D2 is your favorite character in Star Wars because he’s a robot.
You decide to build a robot out of normal everyday household items (I did this!)
You collect forks, spoons, and sporks and store them in cups (I’m also doing this, I’m planning an army of 100 sporks, but I only have 3 or 4 now).
You want a singing fish.
You named Wall-E’s cockroach, until you found out that his name is Hal.
You hang CDs and other interesting items from your ceiling.
You keep every Wall-E picture you find.

Woo-hoo! A Star Wars fan!

I’ve acually got a thread on Star Wars comparisons to WALL•E on here. I’ll put it up for you to see.

[url]WALL•E: Similarities with Star Wars?]

You know you have Wall-E fever when:

  1. You start talking to the primitive ROOMBA cleaning 'bot that we own.

  2. You notice that you’re collecting odd things. Old movie tickets, bottlecaps, plastic easter eggs…

When it makes you angry to hear your STUPID “friends” call it boring!! :imp:

^ My mum says it’s the most boring movie she’s ever seen!! :imp: Grrrrrr

One of my friends doesn’t like it too!

You have Wall-E fever when you play and talk to your toy Wall-E(s) everyday, hoping it will get a personality.

When your wallpaper cycles from WALL·E to EVE to AUTO and back every time you turn it on.

BLAH, if I had a Mac it would SO be cycling WALL•E images every single day, too. <3

You know you still have an incurable case of WALL•E fever when…

  • You watch the movie twice in one weekend, one day right after the other, and don’t get bored of it

  • You get inspired to draw the characters every time you’ve watched that movie, but unfortunately can’t think of anything original to draw them doing :laughing:

  • You switch your computer desktop from Ratatouille concept art back to that cute pic of M-O you put on there when you first got your WALL•E Hypersuite theme pack <3

  • You argue with friends about how the movie is SO much more than WALL•E and EVE obnoxiously saying “WALL•E! EEEVA!!!” throughout the whole film. :angry: (and OH, how annoying those friends are…)

  • You pretty much force your mom to watch the entire sound design segment in the bonus features of the DVD, featuring Ben “Friggin’ Amazing” Burtt, to ground in the fact that the movie is just plain incredible, to be completely driven by sounds vs. dialogue

  • You dream about getting one of those amazing WALL•E toys that respond to your voice and follow you around… <3

And um, I could think of more but I’ll wait. :laughing:

little chef

Wow! I can’t believe that after two years, this thread has been kept alive. Long live the WALL•E Fever thread!

You know you’ve still got WALL•E Fever when…

  • You try to work on an original series, but WALL•E references show up anyway.

  • BnL starts showing up in your dreams (this happened to me once; in a dream I saw a giant BnL-like store the size of 12 wholesale stores put together)

  • You’re wishing the Reject-bots had more screen time.

  • Playing Pajama Sam cannot lessen your like for WALL•E.

  • The plant symbol shows up even in your non-WALL•E work (so does the BnL logo and A113).

  • You’re dying to play the WALL•E video game. Like, right now!

  • And now you’re getting the idea to draw your WALL•E humanizations crossing over into your other works.

I still can’t believe I’m coming up with WALL•E fever symptoms… :open_mouth:

You know you have Wall-E fever when you feel sorry when you have to push his head down on your clock so the light will turn off.

I love these boards :smiley:

You know you’ve got Wall-E fever when…

~You’ve seen it at least 20 times since Christmas. (When I got the DVD.)

~You wonder how different the movie would’ve been if this and this didn’t happen…(too lazy to name them all.)

~You go on FanFiction.Net weekly to find interesting Wall-E stories.

~You know all the words to POYSC and IOTAM. (It’s an easy song… :wink: )

~You often doze off at school just thinking about it.


  1. You see someone weird like the Hulk or Spiderman and you say, “Yoo-hoo!”
  2. Whenever you see something great like salsa, you think “what if WALL-E tasted this?” and the like for cake, salad etc.
  3. You make Christmas wallpapers for WALL-E in the middle of May.
  4. You see something interesting like an Owl City concert and whistle like WALL-E.
  5. You think that rusty, old robots are the cutest thing in the world (me and my sister scream, “Aw!!!”)

All of the above has happened in my home, all the time! :wink: