You've got WALL•E fever when...

Are you? I’m always up for more Wall-E fanfics, and I’d love to read yours! :slight_smile:

You know you’ve still got Wall-E Fever when you are planning the re-release of some of your classic mash-ups from your previous YT account, some brand new fan graphics, and your first Wall-E fanfic to celebrate its two-year anniversary.

| | Points to sig. :slight_smile:

Can’t wait!

flails hands excitedly OOH! OOOH! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!! :-D) grabs a pencil and writes until the paper catches on fire

I’ve been working on one for over a month. :smiley: It’s been fun and I can’t wait to get it on here!

You still have WALL-E fever if…

You put a picture of EVE in the garbage can with a note on the back, incase a real WALL-E finds it in the future. (I did that last night. :laughing: )
You personalize your stuff with WALL-E stickers.
You have adventures with your WALL-E toys. (my u-command WALL-E has been ‘attacked’ by evil squirrels, hidden in clothes baskets, danced to The Hamster Dance, guarded plants from the plush birds, searched for his paper EVE thousands of times, and worn anything that can be used as a hat.)
You make WALL-E’s and EVE’s out of oven bake clay.

Oh my gosh did you really do that?

JustSoWall-eCrazy- Yes, I did. :smiley:

Edit: Here they are:


Those are so cute!!!


those are the most adorable things I’ve seen all day![/b]

Thanks. :smiley:

Oh and this is sorta random, but I can’t believe nobody’s made a topic for WALL-E’s second anniversary! :confused: Anyways, Happy birthday WALL-E!

Aw! Happy Birthday to Wall-E , Eve and the gang! Has it really been 2 years? It feels like it just came out… :open_mouth:

  1. You listen and watch the WALL-E trailer on your iPod up to 1am
  2. Your top favorite song you listen to is “Down to Earth”
  3. You have a plush WALL-E on your bed
  4. Your profile pictures on Facebook are filled with EVE and WALL-E pictures
  5. You cry every time when you watch the film

WALL-E is one of the most amazing Pixar films of ALL time! :slight_smile:

skunklover, you’re officially awesome. :slight_smile:

You know you’ve still got WALL•E fever when…

-You see a green background with a plant drawing and think it’s the plant symbol.

-You’ve got WALL•E action figures decorating your night-table.

-Frozen-yogurt places remind you of the BnL short (on the 3-disc edition) that talks about the history of Buy N Large and how it began as a yogurt factory.

-When you watch the movie, you actually voice over a spoken script for the robot noises. (I did this a few times, especially during the part where WALL•E is halted by the stewards, and the little robot pushes him forward, I voice over saying “You gotta stand up for us now! Show 'em who’s boss!”)

-You take your WALL•E humanizations (this could also work with the robot characters), and draw them as the DVD covers for Gossip Girl (I’m not into that show, just so you know).

What ones do you have? I dont’ have any WALL-E figures, but I have quite a few cars ones!

ellie-jessie-eve: I’ve got EVE, PR-T, L-T, VAQ-M, VN-GO, D-FIB, and HAN-s decorating my nightstand. I have other stuff (plushies, books, and video games) as well, but they don’t sit on my nightstand. My bro has a few stuff too, but he doesn’t play with them a lot.

You think that Google is the next Buy’N’Large.

My brother believes that.

Oh yeah, and I got the WALL-E toy just a few days ago. He is my BUD-E.

Haha, I do!!! :laughing: Although I almost stopped sleeping with it when I had a nightmare that it came to life.

Why that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me! Thanks! :smiley:

You would rather shop for WALL-E stuff than clothes. Unless there’s clothes with WALL-E on them.


You still have WALL-E fever if…

-Police cars remind you of stewards.
-You start sounding like WALL-E
-You think of the BNL in WALL-E every time someone says “Buy n’ large…”

That’s happened to me sometimes. :smiley:

You know you’ve got WALL•E fever when you start imagining the Stewards saying Stormtrooper quotes from Star Wars.