Scrapped Toy Story 3 Script

I just found a link to this while browsing on TV Tropes. I have no idea who worked on it, whether it was the infamous Circle 7 or an early draft from PIXAR but given that it’s from the Raindance Film Festival, I’m fairly sure it’s not “fan made”.

About the script itself, it features the toys being sent to Andy’s Grandma’s house while his room gets renovated and meeting a strange collection of other toys (a lawn gnome and a pair of sock puppets). While parts sort of resemble the actual Toy Story 3 plot, there’s absolutely none of the emotion that the finished product has.

Toy Story 3 Scrapped Script

Note: Please don’t post here just to say “I’m never read it.” That is completely useless to the conversation. However, do feel free to rip apart this script to shreds after reading, being as critical as possible :smiley:

Interesting. I skimmed it a little, but it seems to be an early draft based on all the notes and “?'s”

How did the Raindance festivle get a hold of it? Anyway, interesting, i read the first couple of pages. I hope somebody here can confirm its authenticiy.

Yeah, I’ll probably read it when I have more time.

I read the first pages and while the story seemed okay, the rest of it just seemed really lacking in emotion whatsoever.

I skimmed the script and it seemed like a well-produced piece of fan fiction to me, especially with the inclusion of the garden gnome character.

Even if it is genuine, I’m very glad that we got the Toy Story 3 that we did in the end. A mish-mash of the board game Cluedo, numerous “Haunted House” films and the film “A Fatal Attraction” doesn’t really compare to the brilliance of Toy Story 3 for me.

It certainly would have provoked even more arguments in the on-going “female characters in Pixar films” debate thanks to the homocidal and disturbingly psychotic female character.

Well yeah, I don’t think anything could possibly beat the Toy Story 3 that PIXAR has given to us. :smiley:

From the looks of it, it kind of seems like an in-between-quel for Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.

It seems real…I’m sort of afraid to read it though. It sounds like a terrible fan fiction.
Also, it’d be for the Circle 7 version since the draft is dated 2004.

I just read it relatively quickly, and it is the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Oh god, I just read the whole thing. I DON’T like it. And like Pixar Builder said, it’s really lacking in emotion.

I will not read it, but the sinopsis its the same that the toy story 2 sinopsis they were making before asking disney to let them make a theatrical version.

I read it too, and I wasn’t impressed at all.

Rex evil? Ew…

“Woody folds his cowboy hat into a Sherlock Holmes-style deerstalker and chews contemplative on a soap-bubble pipe”

I don’t think this is Pixar produced, even thought Lee himself said they completely scrapped their first idea.

Can someone with a Twitter account ask a pixarian for the authenticity of this?

I’m almost positive that it’s real.

Also, it’s interesting how although the Pixar crew has explained that they’ve never read any of Disney’s Toy Story 3 scripts, there are a few parallels to the final TS3, most notably [spoil]the Western intro, practically some of the exact same beats[/spoil] and [spoil]a run-in with a garbage truck as part of the climax[/spoil]. But man, it really sucks. Hee-Hee is possibly the dullest character ever.

I thought the Western intro was just recycled from a deleted scene from the first Toy Story.

Anyways, it’d be cool to see if this was true, as it must be a very early Circle 7 draft for Toy Story 3 before the Buzz Lightyear recall idea. And it’d be cool to actually see the lawn gnome that Hamm mentioned in Toy Story 2. As for content, I’m reading over it right now.

The main clue of them being real are the side notes, but those could be purposely there to mislead us.

I still think it’s a fan fiction, and as that it’s fairly good, compared to most of what I’ve seen. As a real script it’s pretty bad, thought.

Is this the one where Buzz gets recalled to Taiwan, or something else? I’ll give it a look.

Really, there’s a character called Hee-Hee?

This is a different one.

Nah, I’m pretty sure it isn’t fan fiction as opposed to an extremely early scrapped script. Like I said, it’s official on the Raindance Film Festival’s PIXAR script page, so at the very least it’s probably a scrapped Circle 7 version before they either came up with/dropped the Malfunctioning Buzz plot .

The story idea is nice in concept but somehow as an overall Toy Story film it just doesn’t have the right feel to it. I dunno, I read part of it and it overall seems like it might work better as a Toy Story toon.

UPDATE: I looked up the writing team Bill and Cheri Steinkellner and they’re a legit team who used to work at Disney (currently unknown) having written for such “classic” films as the Teacher’s Pet Movie.

Pixar Builder: Never seen that site before. I’ve been searching for the screenplays for a while, so thanks for the link.

I agree, it’d make for an alright Toy Story Toon. But man, it’s nothing like Toy Story. It feels very cheesy and self-satirical at times. There’s very little emotion or actual story structure. The new characters don’t feel fit for the universe at all. The characters crack jokes about each other in drastic situations. The only moment I actually liked was the top of page 81.