Back when A Bug’s Life was first released onto video they actually had different characters on the cover, making them collectibles in a sense. I had the one with Hopper on it.
Anyone else remember this?
Back when A Bug’s Life was first released onto video they actually had different characters on the cover, making them collectibles in a sense. I had the one with Hopper on it.
Anyone else remember this?
No, actually I don’t even recall these ever existed (I was only watching Toy Story on VHS when I was young, so I was fine then). I’ve heard of these, just a while ago, but I’ve not actually seen these until now. Thanks for sharing, Flik-E, and, yes, these do look very collectible!
I would go to (or since I’m from Canada and get these, but I’m already finalizing my Christmas list and I need the DVD for this.
I do recall this, I’m pretty sure I had Flik.
I remember for Christmas way back both my cousin and I got copies, I was so confused when his had Flik on it and I had Heimlich!
I have the Flik cover.
I remember being distraught as a kid. I saw all of the different covers, and thought they were different movies.
I remember those and I remembered how confused I was when I saw the different covers.
My parents bought me the one with the Flik cover.
I have Hopper - I managed to get to Best Buy at opening on release day because I wanted Hopper, and I’d heard he was the “rare” one. I think they did have fewer of him than of the others.
Ah yes, I remember this. I have the one with Dot.
I don’t remember them having different covers, but I do remember that we always had our VHS copy of ABL with Dot on it. In fact, I found it out in storage the other day, and I was like, "OMG a piece of my childhood!! " <3
little chef
Am I right in thinking that there was a similar thing with the DVD covers? I think my A Bug’s Life DVD cover just has Flik on it, in the same style as the one in the photo there. I always wanted the one with Francis on.
My DVD (US 2-disc “Collector’s Edition”) has Flik peeking through the hole in the leaf with Dot, Heimlich and Francis in the background.
I loved this concept of the different VHS covers.
I got the movie as a gift the morning it was released and the cover was Dot. I have since lost all my VHS movies and have been recollecting for the past few years. Yesterday I finally found A Bug’s Life at a Half Price Books with FLIK. I’d been holding out for him and fiiiinally found him. I had to trade with a lady who picked it out for last minute holiday gifts for her nephew. They also had Hopper and Francis so she gladly took the Francis version and let me have Flik even though she got to it first. We hugged and I recommended she also buy Fantasia 2000, Great Mouse Detective, and Swan Princess. It was a win win. :]
Oh… yeah! I hade the one with Flik
I had no idea there were multiple covers! I have the one with Francis on it! I always wondered why Flick wasn’t on the cover instead…
I had the one with Flik on the cover. I remember this clearly because my eldest daughter, who was 2 and a half at the time, went through a phase of waking up at 3am EVERY morning and insisting we watch it until she fell back asleep!
I have the one with Francis on it. But its kinda old.
As far as I can remember, my old VHS has Flik on the front cover, but Francis is on the other side if you flip the cover around.
I still have my VHS copy, I got the one with Flik on it. That reminds me how this is one of the only Pixar movies I don’t own on Blu-Ray yet.
If I recall, mine had Flik. My DVD(it’s new) has the whole main cast.
Yes, I fondly remember seeing these, and I had the one with Dot.