
So my fellow Pixarteers! What do you think of Antz? Good, bad, better than ABL, or the first of many failures made by DW Animation? I personally LOVED Antz, but still ABL has more chances for a re-watch.

I think I liked it when I was little, but I haven’t watched it recently enough to have an opinion.

Same goes for me. I remember liking it when I was younger, and I also remember my parents giving it to me on VHS one Easter, but it has been years since I have actually seen it. I barely remember the film itself.

I do remember a commercial being on, when did this movie come out, 1998? Well I was 6, and the commercial came on and my dad asked me "How do you spel Ants? and I said A-N-T-S. He said “wrong! It’s A-N-T-Z”

LOL! :laugh:

I’ve only seen it once, when I was like 6 too, when my grandma gave it to me and my little sis.
The weird thing is, I only remember the song from the credits:

“He’s got high hopes
He’s got high hopes
He’s got high hopes
Whoops, there goes another rubber tree plant”

:laugh: :laughing: 8D :laugh:

I’ve never seen it, and I don’t care to.

Great film, one of the very few of Dreamworks’ that I really like, and I even prefer it to A Bug’s Life (though I still love A Bug’s Life, of course). I like the characters, the sense of humour, and the style of animation. It had something very epic about it.

Oh my goodness, it’s all coming back to me! I so remember that song! I also remember the wasps.

It’s a terrible rip-off of ABL, and one of the only good aspects is Z voiced by Woody Allen. C- on the Letter Grade Scale.

Sorry lizardgirl…

It’s pretty good! I haven’t seen it in a few years but I’ve been meaning to. The DVD’s in my bedroom.

That one [spoil]battle scene where his friend dies[/spoil] was a little more intense than I was expecting. Does anyone concur?

Ohhhh, yeah. I couldn’t even watch the movie when I was little, I was so afraid of that scene. [spoil]He’s just a head, right?[/spoil] I haven’t seen it in a while, but that whole rip-off of A Bug’s Life thing is annoying, even if it is a good movie (which I can’t say, I was too little to remember).

I have never seen it, but I HATE it for ripping off A Bug’s Life. HATE!!!

I actually enjoyed the movie, although certain parts scared me when I was little. Pretty much the only parts I remember clearly are the battle, the two wasps, and the sandwich scene. I agree with TAMATER, the voices were the best part I think. I mean, Allen, Stallone, Hackman, Glover, Aykroyd, Stone…what’s not to love?

Antz came out before A Bug’s Life :slight_smile:

But Jeffrey Katzenburg took the idea from John Lasseter, and they came out in the same year :smiley:

a bug’s life started production before Antz.

And Jeffery Katzenberg watched John Lasseter pitch the idea for ABL.

And he purposefully moved Antz to November 1998 from March 1999 to compete with ABL. He also did that in 2001 with MI. Katz released the DVD for Shrek the same day.

Darn him. I knew about ABL but not MI. Why does he do these things??

I don’t know. I think he’s just a really bitter person ever since he left Disney, so that’s probably the root of it all.