Any huge fans of Lotso so far ?

I personally don’t see why people thought Lotso’s conclusion was “cruel”. Remember [spoil] he pretty much sentenced Andys toys to the Caterpillar room, knowing they’d be destroyed, betrayed and lied to Big Baby out of his own spite, and then left Andy’s toys to die even after Buzz and Woody nearly killed themselves to save him. This quote from Buttercup sums up his character nicely
“The guy may seem plush and huggable on the outside but on the inside, he’s a monster.” He not only crossed the line of villainy in the film, he was also a complete sadist. He may have a horribly tragic backstory, but that shouldn’t lessen the fact that he’s completely lacking any redeemable qualities. If you ask me, Lotso’s final scene was hilarious and he completely deserves it.[/spoil]. However, this is coming from the guy who also thought that Randall totally got what he deserved.

[spoil]I remember yelling “YOU WHORE!” when Lotso leaves Andy’s toys for dead.[/spoil] :laughing:

Did anyone in the theater get pissed off and stab you with a linolium knife?

[spoil]Lotso didn’t get what he deserved: the death penalty. Although Lotso will probably be tortured horribly, so…I guess that’s good enough.[/spoil][/b]

True but Lotso should thank his lucky stars that PIXAR isn’t sadistic.

I think Lotso was based off of a mobster. His control over Sunnyside reminds me a lot of organized crime. And he has a cane to match, too.

I love Lots o Huggin Bear in Toy Story 3 Now I want to buy him for my stuffed animal collection.


He’s pretty awesome…I like how in control he is. And his accent…the way he just wanders around and everything else sort of goes along under his control. He’s seemed quite “regal” to me when I saw the movie.

He’s not my favorite villian in a Pixar film, but my favorite villian in a Toy Story film by far. He his a horrible toy, but that makes him really interesting.

Pixar Builder, I agree that Randall deserved his punishment. A lot of people on this forum defend him, but I think he totally had it coming. On-topic, I have not seen the movie, but I certainly want a Lotso toy!!! :slight_smile:

You know, I would probably feel kinda bad for the younger kids that already bought the TSC Lotso (who has the most innocent sayings) and then saw the character’s true colors in the film. I think all Lotso bears are meant to sound like TSC Lotso, but the one we know now makes the real toy out to be a lie if you think about it.

I guess so. but I meant like a plain plush. I can’t afford the dolls I planned to get as of our food stamps being cut, so I meant the cheapest thing.

I love the toy! I even love the character! He’s evil but he is so… interesting of a character that I cant help but enjoy him!

I’m not a massive fan, but I really want a replica toy of him! [spoil]I’ll try not to leave him behind somewhere and then replace him with the exact same toy, he might get a bit too upset if that happens![/spoil]

HAHA of course! Just look at my username! :slight_smile: I just picked up a replica from Target. Wish it hadn’t of been $50 though :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha, yeah it’ll be best for everyone if that didn’t happen!

I think Lotso is a really interesting character. But yesterday I watched the swedish version of the TS3 trailer, and in the dub they decided to call Lotso “Teddy bear” or just “teddy”. I don’t understand why they have to rename characters! In the swedish dub of Up, they called Russel “Oscar” :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor Lotso. He was destined to become a Kentucky Colonel. Now in a bizarre twist he is relegated to a bad sheriff of Macon County, or wherever Sunnyside is. [spoil]I sure hope the other Lotso in the movie has the chance to prove his good name before being put out to pasture.

Yes folks, unknown to most of you ‘the other Lotso’ is eventually donated to Sunnyside. You can just imagine how mean the other toys are to him!! [/spoil] Ohwwhh, it just burns me up. I’d better sign off now before I get started…

That’s the most random name ever!

What? Oh God… I never considered what would happen if another Lotso came to Sunnyside… and the toys there hated him… Surely, the new Lotso would have a kinder heart than the old one, and the Sunnyside toys would realize it…

Yes Lotso is great character! i think because [spoil]of his interesting backstory.[/spoil]