Any huge fans of Lotso so far ?

Yeah I appricate villians a lot more if we know their history or motivation.

I like him, he’s not my favorite character, but Lotso sure is cute, an I love strawberries! The only thing that I don’t really like is that I could tell right away when he was introduced that he was the villain. But he’s very evil, just how I like villains to be. :slight_smile:

I enjoyed his backstory, and kinda [spoil]felt sorry for his predicament[/spoil]. But his whole [spoil]‘rigging of the system’ was a bit overboard, and even under his dire circumstances, lacked motivation. Why would an abandoned toy seek to impose his worldview upon others, and how did he achieve that? I suppose he is a classical dictator, and Big Baby helped him out to some extent… okay I just answered my own question. Just saying that I felt he was the weakest villain in the Pixar canon, IMHO.[/spoil]

I was both shocked and amused by his sucker-punch at the climax:

[spoil]“Where’s your Andy now???” :smiling_imp: runs away[/spoil]

Seriously? They [spoil]saved your sorry butt and you still leave them to die[/spoil]? Ooh… that devious strawberry-scented bear! xD

Ha I know right? He filled me with rage, and he got what he deserved.

I don’t think Lotso got enough comeuppance. He should’ve been returned to Sunnyside, and locked in the Caterpillar room permanently.

That would be good!