Armond White - worst critic EVER!

As you may know, Armold White, a famous critic has a Rotton Tomatoes account. He and 2 other idiots gave it a rotton which means they hate the movie. He and the other 2 are getting a lot of negitive commants. Now because of them Toy story 3 isn’t 100%. It would of been the only trilogy to get all 100% as Toy Story 1 and 2 have them. Arnold White, all I can say is you are a troll and the worst critic of all time.


sorry for the caps…just really mad :imp:

I normally try to find some “good” in everyone I meet, but Armond White is rotten. Evil, evil to the core. and he. must. GO.

Grab yer guns, pitchforks & torches, people. we’re going idiot hunting. :smiling_imp:

He gave Marmaduke a positive review, too.

Can someone fetch that link for the petition?

Dinoco: Click here.

Well, now we all know that Armond White is a dirtbag. (tagged for arguably offensive statement. to me at least.)

EDIT There are less offensive alternatives, you know… :wink: TDIT

I would not go as far as saying he’s the worst critic ever, but his lame excuses for why he doesn’t like a movie get on my nerves and make me want to fire him from the NYP and delete his RT account. Shawn Edwards is the worst critic of all time.

Is he the one who everyone is says is a troll? I read both his and the other negative review, and they were both crap. I called this, though, knowing that some little critic out there is going to want to give the first bad review of the TS franchise to make themselves feel special.

I just cant believe that this guy calls himself “a critic”, in his review he said that Hamm was one of the main villians…he didn’t even watch the movie

lord_zedd: Are you serious? Ugh. If its one thing I can’t stand its people that give movies a bad review that didn’t even fully understand the plotline. The same thing happened with Alice in Wonderland, everyone thought it was a remake when in fact it was more of a sequel. But I digress, Hamm wasn’t in any way shape or form a villain. I need to see this review though to give it a full piece of my mind…

As much as I hate Armond White, his contrarian ways and his lack of logic, don’t you think you guys are overreacting just a tiny bit? By getting angry and causing an uproar, all everyone is doing is giving him exactly what he wants: attention.

I found this article online and I think that it is well written and extremely insightful on what we have to do with Armond White and people like him:
(Warning: there’s some vulgar language, but it’s still a good article)

Armond White is nothing but a troll, and like as for all trolls, the age-old saying of the internet applies: don’t feed the trolls!

Meh, I stopped listening to that crackpot as soon as he said he liked Transformers 2. Everything he says pretty much is null.

Once he’s off RT and no longer a major influence, then we can just ignore him for the attention-seeking scumbag he is.

this guy is not a reviewer, its a troll, he thinks toy story 3 is a ripoff from transformers 2! how stupid can you get as a reviewer?

I’ve stooped down to his level, and I’ve noticed a pattern. He’s perfectly capable of giving an honest review, but most of the time, he chooses not to. If he doesn’t like the cultural message that he finds embedded in the film somehow, he will trash it. In his Toy Story 3 review, can you find where he makes a direct complaint about the movie itself? I sure couldn’t.

He states that toy story is a movie made for consumerism, and then he says that transformers 2 is great, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Rip-off of Transformers 2!? WHAT?! How do they even relate to each other at all? The only common ground I see is the fact they’re sequels… talk about brain dead.

I despise him as much as the next guy, but trying to find any kind of logic in his reviews is pointless.

for what its worth, TS3, and by extension the entire trilogy still has a 100% rating by the “top critics”.

… seriously, WTF?

But it gets even better, once he makes a bold opinion like that, he doesn’t even care to back it up! Reviews are supposed to help a potential viewer decide if they want to watch that movie, but if the review doesn’t help at all, it’s pointless. People say they should keep him because of his valuable opinions, and that it’s against freedom of speech. No, this isn’t about his opinions, it’s about a guy who can’t give an honest review!

Guys, Armond White is not worth all the attention. In fact, by making such a big fuss, you’re giving the guy exactly what he wants.