Armond White - worst critic EVER!

Or Shrek the Third. :slight_smile:

:angry: This guy Armond White, most bad critics are funny, but this guys just annoying!
Pixar > An idiot > Toilet paper > The C**p on the toilet paper > the flu virus > the Black Plague >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M. Night Shyamalan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dreamworks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Armond White

I can’t stand Armond White, Normally I can tolerate most bad critics but I really can’t stand this guy. I mean I don’t even think he watches the films, I don’t even know who actually reads his reviews. Why would you read his reviews, his taste in movies is terrible!

Not sure if this has been brought up before, but it occurred to me he’s just doing this for attention. It’s possible that he doesn’t get very much of it. But, it’s a shame he wants negative attention. Why does he hate on the best movies?

Armond White is such a jackass, ignore what this stupid critic says, he just wants to draw attention

One of my views exactly.

Mine too. He is indeed a jackass.

What do you think this guy say about Cars 2?


I’m assuming that his review will go something along the lines of “This movie pales in comparison to the clearly superior The Last Airbender, and even goes so far as to steal all their plot devices. The clear focus on merchandising proves that Disney is relying on a strong childrens’ fanbase to advertise their movie.”

Haha, yeah that’s probably it. That’s really what he does, he compares the movie he’s reviewing to a completely unrelated one. He’ll probably write a Cars 2 review to troll everyone again. Either that, or his taste in movies is lacking.

So Armond didn’t write a Cars 2 review. BUT, he is a hypocritical piece o’ crap. Why? Because he gave Transformers 3 a bad review. To recap his Transformers thoughts: 1: bad, 2: better than TS3, 3: bad. Really, Armond, really? How can this guy still be doing this for a living?

What do you guys think good ol Armold will feel about Brave?

I think he will hate it.

Who cares what he thinks? Pixar will continue to make great movies, it’s been said before and I’ll say it again he’s simply riding someones coattails.

I wonder what Armond thought of Cars 2.

Loved it lol sorry Pixar :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoa! This topic is back up? I forget to say, but I can no longer find Armond White’s reviews on the NY Press site anymore. They’ve been removed.

Shame as well, some of those hate comments were hysterical.

Was he banned. I guess that’s a good thing. I still wanna see this reviews. They always make a good laugh. Like when he said Ham was one of th main villains in Toy Story 3.

I just lose brain cells reading his reviews. 8D

Yeah, I stopped taking him seriously as soon as he mentioned that.